Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part II. ':A ·sAint t~r 4Briite., 20 t querHeaven, and conqu~r theS~i rus! Thr'~'e is City , their garrifon, their r;.(}~verjat1on, Phtl.1.20. Heb.II:Io, 16. what enemy', what poltCte, what power can endanger lmn, th a ~ God will fave and h~ t h tmderraken for? We were never fah: one day or hour, t ill we were friend~ wi rh God . [Deut. 3~. ~7· The Eternal God u thy refHge , ttnd underneath arr the everiafhng arms. J Pfal. 46. 'r, 2, 5, 7· God u our refuge and ftrength, a very prrfent hetr in trouble : thtrefore 7'1ill nlj t we fe ar , th~ uJh the earth he removed, .md thoug/, the mountainJ be carryerl into themidjlef the fra ·- Godu inthemidft Df'her, ./he foaO not be moved: Godfoall help her, and thvt t right early-- The Lord of hafts u with UJ, the God of Jacob u our refuge ] Pfal. 9l. 1, 2, He that d>Wellrth in thefeeret placef')f the moft hiJ!.h, foal/ ~tbide under the foaddow ef the Al111ighty. I will J~y of the Lord, He u my refage and my fortrejJ ; my God, in him will I trujt.] This is the confidcnc~, and joy and gl ory of the Sainrs, Pfal. 59. I 6, I 7. I will ftng of thy Power , yta I wilt fing aloud of thy mercies in the morning, fo r thou h;tjl been my defence tznd rej11ge in the day of my trou6le: Unto thee 0 my flrcngth will 1 fing :for my God is my defmce, emd the Go~ofmy mer€'ie.] Pf<t l. 89. 26. Thot:Jart my Father,myGod, andth"e Rodz.ofmy Salv.-lti:m.] See Pfal.27.5·&6t.2 . &62. 2,6,7. & 94 22. frov. 18.1o. The Name ofthe L ord u a Prong tower: the righteom run int~ it and are fa[e.J ilrov. 2 I. 3 r. {ujety u of the Lord J Pfal. 4. 8. ~iet!y may we repofe our felves to rcfl:, for it u the Lortfi cnly that makgtb us dwell in fafety.] Butisitthuswithrhcungodlyman! Ono; whe n they faJ Peace m:d f.'lfety to themftlves, fudden!y deftruElion cfJmeth upon them M travel '!}on aw~man with child, and they /h:<ll not rfcttpe , I Thef.j. 3· LFor their Rock. is mt li~ our Roe~ , even ~ur enemieJ them/elves being judges J Deut. 3z. 3I. Why elfe-do they det1re in rimes of danger that they were in the cafe of rhe Scrvanrs of the Lord ? If they thought rhem(elves a~ Jptfe as t.he Regenerate, why do they wiili at rbe hom of death, that ·they might but die the de~th of the I;VghteoHs, ,an.d their lAttr end might buu hu ?Njlmb.2. 3.1 0 . S·. Moreover, he is certainly more fafe, that is an hcif of the 1 p~omifes, and haeh ahe word of God engat,ed for his fll/ety, then he ~hat hath no promijcfrom God ac al1, nor any fuch fcmnty ro ~ew: But all the faithful have interdl: in the promifes; in which D d the