.. zo.i · A.Saint or 4 Brute. Part II. rhe ungodly h11ve no fhare. Surely he is f4e to whom the Lord hatb promifod fafety. 0 what a precious treafure miohc I here open, to thew you the {ll[ety of true believers? I wi~lcull out but a few of thePromifesfor atafi. Prov. I. 32,33.[Tht.' fpJrning away of theJimplc jJM!l fl·1) them, and the profperity of fo ols Jh~~.ll dcftroy them. But who fo hcark§n11ab unt.o met ;hdl dwell j.zjtly, P: nd /ball be quiet fro.mfetwof e'Vil.] Prov. 29.25.. lo/ho fo putteth hiJ truft in the' L erd /hall ~e jafe. J · Prov. 3. 21,22 1 23. MySon, la them H,;t departfrom thine eyes: k,sep f ound wij dom llnd difcrttien; [o /ball they be life unto thy foul (fnd grace unto th; nec/z: then fo~t!t thou w~lk)?:Z thy way ftfel], and thy f aot /hall not jl~tmblr. When thou lyeft down, thou /halt not be afraid : yea 1 thrm ·foalt lie down , and thy jleep foal! be fweet: Be not ajrtfid 4 fudden fear, neither fJf the drfoiation of the \\?t'clzed when it comtth. Fvr the Lord jbail be thy confi- -dence, tmd /hill! k!,ep thy foot from being t11k.!n. ] Deut. 33. I 2. [The beloved of the·Lord /hall dwell in fafrty by him, the Lord foall covfr him 11ft the day long, lflnd he fordt dwell between hu fooulders, J .Pfalm 55· 22. Caflth;.burden .on. the Lord, and he foal/ fuftain thee : he foa/1 never fuffer tlce ri'ghteom tu 6.e mo vcd.] Pfalm I 4. 5. Gqd u in the gemration· of the righ– tlom.] PfaJm 34·.15, 17, 19,20. The eyesoftheLordareupon the righteom., and hi.J ears are open to th,ir cry. The righteous cry,ll~;d the Lord heareth,l/md delivereth themont ofall thtir trouh!e. M any are the ajfti[lions of the righteom; but the Lord delivereth him out of all. He k.Jepeth all hu bones---Evil /hall flAJ the 'Wick.fd, and they that hate the-righteous fol'lll' 6e de{elttte, J Pfal. 37· 28. For the Lord loveth judgeme.~1t, and forfak_eth not his Saints, they are prefer,ved for ever: but the .feed (if the wfckfd foal/ be cutoff.] Ver, 37, 39~40. [Mark the perfect man,and btho/d the upright: for the end of that man u peace: But the tran[greffors /hall. be defiroyed together : the End of the wicb_sd fhnlJ be.cHt off: But the falvationof the Righteom u of the Lord, he u their jlrength in. the -time of trouble: And the Lord /halt help them.and del;ver.th.em from the wickJd, and Jave .them, be– caufe they 1ruft in him.] Pfalm 7 3•.26. [My fi efh and my heart faileth: but God u the.ftrength. of my heart, and m] pertion for iver.] Ifa. 49. I 5. [ C~tH a womAn forgu hir {uckjng e-hild,that foe foauld not have compajfion on the s~n of her womb? Tea, they mt~y forget: }et will no~ _1 forget thee] He h~tb. {aid, l'W.ill nat , . .. . " . {llil