Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part II. A SAint or'' Brute~ fat! thee nor fvrfakJ tl~u, ljeb. i 3. 5. Matth. 6. 2.) ·. Ta/ze n~ · "t1Jor-tght for your life,t.Phatye/hal~eflt, or what ye/hall drmk,..&c .J Maitth. 10, 28, 30,3 I, Fear not them which the Body, and are not able to k_ill the foul -The very hAirs of your herul. are all numhred] I{a.• p. I o. [Fear rhou not, for I am with thee : he. net dijm,ayed,for 1 am thy God: I will ftrengthen thee: Tea, 1 wilifJrl.p..tJgrt: yea I wilt uphold thee with the right h.ttnd of my righttoufnefJ J See ver. 13, 14. Ifa.43· 1~2. Pe(lr not, for 1 have redeemed thu : I have called thee by thy name : thou art mine. When thoupa.f[e{f throughthewaters,1 wili bewiththee; 11nd through the rivers they foflli not overfln~ thee; when thou ivalk.Jft throughthevlf!;/ thou fluzlt not beburnt,&c.J TheLord prtferveth th.e ~ . of hu Saints' Prov. 2. 8. J. Pfalm 3 I. 23-. [ 0 Love the L,fffi /dvje his Saints: fer· the Lord preferveth the faithjull] Pfal·/9·7~ I o. he preferveth tht fouls of his SaiMts; he deliver~th them ' out of the hand rJj the wick..fd J Pfalm 145. r8, I 9, 20. The Lord is nigh unto all them that c~tll uptm him: to all that callt-tpon him t'n truth: He will fulfil/ the Je fires of them that f ear him: he alfo will hear their cry, and willfave•them. The · Lordpreferveth allrhemthat L~ve him: but all the wicked wilt he drjlny.] Prov. 20. 22. [Say net, Iwill.recompcnce evil: but wait on the Lord, anti he wilt fave thee J He b. I 0.23 . He is faithfun that bath prumi/ed. J . _ I hope the believer will not be weary to 'read over all rhefe precious ·promifes, which ·are his fecuriry from God, for foul and body. I fumm up all in that one, ·r Tim. 4· 8. Godlimfs is profitable to flll things, having promi(t of the life th.'lt now u,an:i of thnt ' which is to come.] Judge whether Godlinefs be the ~afeH: Hate-. Can a man ot fo m01ny p;·omifes be unfrttfe ? But tnfiead of thefe the ungodly are thrcamed with cverlaflin~ veno . geance• .6. He is fafe~ that bath continually aguard .of Atzgels, as cer– tatnly all the fatthful have, then he that bath none . but is a pri... foner of the deyil , . ~s the ungodly ar,. :... ' · Hearth~ Scnp~ures, Pfalm 34·'7.· The .An[iel o(•the Lord en– campeth round f~bout ,tbem that fear h~fi(~ and ·deiJ'vereth them. J Pfalm 9I..II, 12. He ~a(!givehu vlntclschar,~eover thee, to kpp thee tn ~t!l thy Wtl)es: They foal/ beil,r thee up in their hand.; ~e/fthou dafbthy.foot.rgain.[J ajlcne.~ ;Manh:r '8,,Io. [Tak,~ hee~ that ye defp:Je net on-e of thtfe;fit~l~ em{.:. far:J)jay 1tnto )014 Du 2 t hat