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20Jf '~fSitlnt ''A Brute. Part II. that i~ l~ttt7J~n. thiir Angels do alwllyes brho/d the fac~ of my p 11 • ther wh;ch u tn htuven.] Heb. I. t 4. [Are thtJnot all minifiring J~trits jem forth to M inifter for them who .fha/i he heirs of [alva– t~on? And ha'l'e the W1cked any fucb anend<ince f0r their fe– £U ..'I t y ? No: bu~ a fearful caprivity ro the Devil. 7 L~flly ~ chat ts the (afeft ~htte v:here a man is fafe from the (jreatejl evz~,.. _Everlafl:tng mtfery ts the great evil, which the Godly are tntttally [.wed from: They are lyab!e to a.JflitfionJ a~ well a5 ·others ; hue nor to D;f{mn>tticn, and therefore they are fafe. They mufl: be fick anddie as well as o~hers: but they fl1all efcape Eternal dMrh. Yea, they are already pa./fedfrom death to lift, I John 3. 14. and have Eternal life began within them,John17.3· Hethat haththeSon hathlife: tjohns.12 . [John 5· 22. Peril], verily 1 fay unto JOlt, he that heareth my Word, and btlicveth on him thM fent me, hath everlllfting life, ~nd foal/ not r;ome intPJ condemn~ttien, but u pa§ed from death unto life,] ver. 28, 29. M4rv,zil not at thiS: for the hour u coming in ")"fhich all that are in thegraveJ .fh~tll hearhi5 tJ(Iice , and !hall come forth i thty that have dom good to the RefurreEfion vf life, and thty that havedone evil, to the Refurreflion ~f damnatil)n. ] Pfalm I. 4 , 5, 6 . The ungodly are not fo; but are li~ the chaff which the wind driveth aWf':J : therefore the ungodly /halt not ftand i~a the {udgement, nor /inners in the Congreg~tion of the righteous: For the Lord /z!:oweth the way of the Righteom; but the way of' the ungodly jh.:dl pcrijh. ] , If yet you are unrefo!ved whether .Godlinefs be the only wtty of f afay , J dare fay ic is becaufe you bl!!ieve not the holy Scriptures. For there the doubt is as fally decided as any one in all rhe world. 0 how bleffed is-the lhteof the pooreft moO: affl iCted Saint, that m1y at way fay, My foul u faftl ff my health, or wealth, or friends be gone ; yet am l fafe fr~m tver– Jafting mifery. Othe~ _things I fuall have as ~Gd feeth bdl: for l1is honour and my fpmtual good: bm falvatton l may be fure of, if 1abide in Chri£1:. J What needs he fear, that bath e(caped Hell'! But 0 the dre&dtul cafe of the ungodly ! that are paf– fing to damnation when the·y never·think of it ! Their Bodies may be {trong, their riches great, and they m,ay fare fu~tuoHfly eve ry day, Litk.! 16, 19. But 0 what a caf~ ar~ the~r poor fools in ! and where will they be when thrs mmh 1s t:nd.ed l Luk_e I 6, 25 . .Theyare not fafe from Hell one hour. - .. . · ~HAP~