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Part II. ASAint or tt Brlite. CHAP. VII~ Holincfs iJ the ~nly Honefl ~Jfay. ' 'V E E tryed whether the way of Gocllinefs .or V Ungod lmefs be the fafeft. Let es next try wh!ch is ' the Honefltft, of which one would think we fuoulcl never meet with a mari fo {harnelds as to m:tke a ql:let'lion. But experience ttllech m r.hat fuch there are, yea and that t~ey are very common: E'9'en in their reproaching of a Holy life, they will joyn the boafl:ings of their own Honefly ; and fay~ Though we fwear or are drunk now and then, and make noc fuch a Hir about Gods f~rvice and our fa!vation, yet we are as Huneft as thefe precifcr people, that make more ado, and cenf'tlre us as ungodly. J As truly a~d wifely as if a eomrnon whore lhould fay, [ I am as Hone/f as thefe precife people rh at will not play the hu loti as I do : J And as wifely as if aThief thould fay, Though I ileal for need, I am as hone!l as theie precife people that will not fieal. J But yet we have this advan- - rage by tl1efe lhamelefs boaflsJ dut fiill theName of HoneflJ is in credit, and the worft men honour it, by pretending to it,,· while they difhonour thernfelves by their renouncing theThin.,{ . · it felf andby the impudency of their pretences. . Honefty is nothing but true Virtue, or the Moral Go()dnefs of the Mindor Allion: An Hon'ejf man and a Good man, .is indeed all one; M.ll.a~ or ul.oiG?:f<l-9a~ with the Greeks; one that is both . inwardly virtNous, and manifefl:s it in the cleanefs and integrity of his life, in the fight of men. All men. for ought I can per- - ceive,w?uld ~e acceunt.ed Homfl. This reputa.tion Fl()nefly bath among tts vtlell enemtes, that they approve the Name , and would not appear to ~e irs enemies., till they have put fome other N .'lme upon ir : While they hate· Hontfly ; ·-and perfecute it, they would be ct~tlled Honeft men themfelves. And therefore by the confent of all the world , friends and foes , that is the > Bejl way which is the Homjfcj. / ·· . 0 that you- would all but fiand to this, in the chofljing of . JOUrcaurfc, and in your daily praCtice! Will you all agree up– ~n a HoiJ life, if 1 prove it pafi all do1:1bt tobe the Hmeftrft ? . I? d 3 . 0. >.)