ASAJnt or 4 Brttt( ~· Pan n.· 0 that you would'! Yea, if I prove that rhere is no man truly Ho , r-fl tn the world, that is not truly Godly? Ifyou would fiand to thts, you would foon be changed. Indeed it is nothing but · but Dif!m:t rjl] that we wo~ld h3ve y_ou dJangecl from. And if . you ~tll noc .fi..a:nd ro thts , but wdl refufe Honefly when you know tt, for fhame ltiy by theNam~ of .Honefty, and wifh noc men tocall you HaHefl any more. E1ther he whJt you would be called; or give men leave to cAll you as you are. Let us come then to the tryaJ, and fee who is indeed the Homft 11Jiln; the Godly or theungodly. I. I have alr~ady cold you, that Go a who is the moll infa!Ji~Ie Judge, bath given his fentence on his peoples fide. Ifyo1:1 will think your felves that it is not thofe that Thieves and Harlets call Honeft chat are fo Ii·kely to be Hone.ft, a5 thofc that wife men and vercuous rnen call fo : We have then far greater Reafon to con .. ci&Jde, .that it is not thofe thatyou etlll Hrmejf, that are fo fit to be judged fuch, as thofe that God calls fo. How fay you? will you not freely give us leave to take Gods judgemenu or Word before ·your-s ? If nor, we will tak.§ leave. And God calls all the ungodly • by the name of Evil and Wic~dmen ! ancl the godiyare they that he calierh Vprigbt~ Good, and Honeft. The whole Scriprtarc, you know, if you know any thingofir, fpe:1kerh in rhis Jangt;Jage••· Luk! 8. 15. It is they that hu1.r theWordandkJepit, and bring forth fruit with p.xtience, that receive it into honr{f 11nd geod hearts. This is the life that is accept11hle in the fight of God our Savigur, wbi6h u [in all Godlinefs aKJd Honefly. J Thefe are infeparabJe, Godline(s and Hone.fty. I Tim. 2. 2, 3. Indeed the Greek word here is that which fignifiethgraviry and feemlim{s of behaviour: but that which is frequently rranflated [good J is it which figni– fieth the truly Brmeft. And you know none- of the ungodly are ever called GfJod in Scripture, but clean contrary. Prr;v. I r. 6 . The rightcvufnefs vf the upright /hall deliver them, hut trvm[greffors foal! be ta~cn in their own naughtinefs. J So verf. 18. 19, 20. [The wickfd "J!'Drkph a deceitful 'J!'Vorfz, !Put to hi~ that foweth righteoufnefs jh.~ll be aJure rewArd. As righteoufne(s tendeth to life, fo he that ptJrfuetb evil, doth it to hu oWn dratb. They th11t ..11re of t: froward heart are an ahmination t~ the Lord: hut fuch as. are upright in theirWay, 11re his delight. J Everywhere yo1:1 fee how Godabhorreth ,rhe ungodly, and exrollerh chofe tb~t love and fear him. Chrifi calkth 'theungodly [Evil men, that eut bf the · .. · · · ' evit ·