Part IT.' A SaJnt ora Brute.' evil treaf~;tre of their hearts do 6ring fortiJ evil tbingJ ] A1att?· 12. 35. All is evil ; the life evil, the f;eart evil, and m_an evtl. Prov. I 2. 26. [The Righteous i1 more exee/tent then /m nesghbou~, hut the way cf the wickp:J.fedtJ&tth them.] And Pfalm I 6. Davs.d falletb rhe godly [The excellent inwhom is all hiJ delight.] It ts zn e:.:t:ellenl fPirit that is in them, Dan. 3. I 2. I 4· and63. and an e~:cellent way in which theygo, 1 Cor. I 2. 3I. and an excelte_m k_nowledge which the fpirits illumination caufeth tbem to attam, Phil. 3. 18. Epbe(. 3· 18, 19. You have Gods judgement .of th~ cafe, if that will fatisfie you, who it is that is the Be-fl anll Homft– tfl man, the H(/ly or the unholy. 2. D0 you think that minis an Honeft mAn, that will deny you your dHe, and rob you of all that is yo~r o~n ! Qr rather ~s not the Juft man the Honefl man , that wt!i gtve every man hts own ? I know you will give your voices for tf:le latter. 0 then take heed left you condemn your felves ! If you be not Holy~ your own tdhmony doth condemn you.. F0r it is only the Ged!J. that give God his own, when the tangodly rob him of it : Hail: thou not thy Life, and Time, and Mainrenanfe trom God? Hail: thou not thy Reafon ·' and thy Affections, and all thy faculties from him · ? And lhould not all thou hafi be employed for him? 1hou art t1 difoene.ft man that grudgefl:, yea denyeG: him one day in feven, when thou owefi him all. Thou art a difhoneft man that givefl: away thy. Makers due unto his vilefl: enemies. That wafiefl: thy means or H:rength on fin : that fpendefl: thy pr~cious time on vanity : that abufefi hiscreaturcs to the fatisfying of thy lu!l:s ! and that livefl: to thy flefh., when thou fhouldil: live to God. Thou robb€./f himof all which thou givefi to his enemies ; <and of .all which thou dofl: not ufe for his fervice. · It is Iefs difhonefiy . rorob thy Ma.J}er.tbat trufl:erh thee with his goods, then to rob the L9rd that truHeth th~e with thy time, and parts, and all things. 0 blind unworthy !inners ! What makes you think him . an honeft man that r9bbetb his Mak!r; or denyeth him his own, ,when you call him adifhoneft man that robbethbut fuch filly worms . .as you, that in refpeet of God have nothjng of your own ! ·~rt · thou better t~en G~d, that it lho~ld be called ~ifome{ty t? w_rong . th~e, and N{)di./honefty to wrug ht~n, or deny htm that whtch ts his own? God_hathan abfolure Title to you, and that on mo·fe ac– .<:ounrs then one. You arehiJ o-wn, as you are his creatures. All /MisaremhJf,faithth~Lord,E""'k.: 18.4.• And he hath. Titl.e ro · thee;