:A S4int ~r le Brute. Part IT• 1 thee byR~demotion, as well as by Creation : For to this end Chri ft ~Jed, ana rofe, attd revived , that he might be lord of the deadal'ldof the living, Rom. 14. 9. We "renotourown. "'e lire bought with aprite; and therefore /houla glorifie qad in Q~r bodiu andourfPirit.rwh-icharehis, 1Cor.6. 19,20: For if .one dyedf(}r ·all, then Were all de~~d, that they -which live fhould nQt henceforth live to them{elves, but to him that dyed for them and rofe again, 2 Cor. S. I 4, I 5. And as you your felvcs are Gods own as he is · your Creatorand Redumer, fo ~tll thMyou h.1ve is his own as the hefto"Wer, or as your Mafler that rnafteth it in your hands. Exod. 19. ~. [ Now th-erefore if ;e will olny my voice indeed, and kfep my Covmant , thr.nye jh.tlt be apeeulillr treafure tome above All people: frrr 11/l the earth is mine. J And fairh God to {ob, ?ob 41. ll. [ Whatfoever is under the whole heaven is mine.] Pfalm 50. 10, I r, 12. [.Every beaft of the Forreft is mine: the wild heafts of the field lire mine: the 'World is mine, ana the fulnefs tlm·e– of.] I Cor. 4· 7· What haft thou -which thou didft not receive? J Thou haft not a minure of rime which chou owefl: not to God; nor a thought, nor a word, nor a farthing of thy efiate. And is it not the bafefl injufiice and diilioneHy ro give rhefeto thy .Rdh, and deny them to him ,and think his fervice an unneceffary thing? If thou wilt give the world and thy lufis any thing, lee it be that which thou canfl truly call thine own. As God faith ro the .Ido– lators, .Ezek. I 6. I 8, I 9. [Thou he~fl{et mine oyt, .mdmine in– cenfe btfore them; my meat ~<Jfo which I gave tlue, &c.l fo may he ftty to th~e : It is his Time which thou hafl: conft:med in idle– ne!~ and in Gnfl:ll delights; and bu Provijion by whrch thou haft: fed thy lw!l:s. B~t tbefanClifieame~.n is dt1!otedi() God.' Hisftudy is to give b.mhu ow~. All the bufinefs_6f his lif~ w!Jich_you accou~t his ovtr-m.uch ilnd:nefs and prenfenefs, ts ·nothrng buc hrs H omfty to God,in giving him hi& own. You look your horfc lhould travail for you, and your Oxe fhould labour for you, and your fcrvant work for you,becau{e they areyour own:And fball not we g ive up all that we have to God,tbat: are much morehu ownf'Will yom ·hang them that take yeur Own from you? and countth_em Iloneft that dc"l worfe with God ? Say not, If Chri(f were herey ~e Would gi1.1e it him. For he bath told yoa how yotl iliould ufe all his talems in his Laws ; and if you cleny them -to the P?Or,_or any holy ufc tbat he requireth them , yoa deny them unto h1m• . Read Mat. 2 5. & Io. 40,"1- T ,41. 3. Do