Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

"" t 1·r· 11 s ~tint lr ~ 'Brate~ .,:.. r • .,. . 3· Do you think that an un~aturP~l man i!an Ho-neflma~? One that wtll abufe his FMher br MBther , and 1corn the bowels from which he fprung. All the world 1s f'i greed on it, that fuch are aif– boneft : [Honour thy Father and Mother] i5 called the.firftCom– mandmentwithprom;fe. Exod.2I 17. [He tblztcurfeth hu Fa– ther ~r M 8ther, fha/1 furely be put to de~tth.] See Prov. 20. 20. & 30. 17. [The ey thvtt morksth t~t hiJ .Father, and defPifeth to obey hu Mother , the R4vnH of the valley fhall pick.. it out. and the yout~g Eagles/hall eat it. To be [ w.ithout natural ajfeElions] is the brand of highe£1: wickednef$ , I. 3I. and 2 Tim· 3• 3. - And do yoe not "know that it is worfe EO be without holy affe.:. Elions to theGod that m~tde you, and the Chrift that bn4ght f oFi ? and to defpife, for fake or abufe the Lord ! Thou hadfi thy Rein! more from him then from thy Parems. They knew not how thy pares were formed J It was he that gave thee thy immortal foul : It is by him that thou haft lived until now ; much more then on the food fhou eatefi, or the air thou breatbefl: in. And art thou fo unnAtural a5 to be ungodly , and deny him 'thy love, and care, and fen-ice, that bath m~tde thee ? and ·to call a holy, heavenly life, aneecllefs toyl ?, Deur. 3Z. 6. [Doyou thm requite theLord, 0 foolifo peoplf and smr~ife ? Is he not thy Father ti'JIU hlfth bought thee 1hath he not-made thee and efoab/ijhed thee ? 1 If an ~tnholy man be an hvnejJ num, that is fo u-,gnatural as to crofs the endof his Cre..etion,and deny hisfcrvice to the Lord that made him; then he is honeft chat fp its in his Fathers face,and defpife-th his Mother that broughc birn forth. 4· Doyouthink that he .isan hontft man that is unthankful! It i_s agreed on by all the world, tha~ smthP~nk..,(ulnefs is aprincipal pomt of dijhonefly. He is no henefJ man that will abufe or defpi~ thofe by whom he liveth, or chat have engagedhim by kindnefs. Hyou were fo ufed your felves, by one whofe lives or d1ates you had preferved, would you not fay, l What ~m unworthy wrftch u tbu ? h~tve 1defcrved thi& Hfage 11t huhand?] Why all the un– thankfulnefs againH men in the world, is not to be compared ro thy unthankfulnefs againfi. God. What are the Benefirs which m~n hach given tl3ce in cornparifon of hu? Did ever man do any thtng for thee that is comparable to thy Creation, and Redem– ption, a.nd offering the~ falvation from cverlafiing mifery, and a . ~oomWith Angel~ in cverlafiing glory? befide.s every houn mer- , · ·· · E e -- . · cy .