210 ASAintoraBrulf.~ Pann.· cy that eve~ thou ~adil ~ere in th~s world. And is that an homft man that Wtll requt_te thts God w_nh prophanenefs and ungodli~ nefs, and returnhtm fin for alllm n~ercies ~nd refufe to live·a ho!y life ? Doth thy flefh deferve all thy ca~e and labour, and is– t~u. Godunworthy of it, and dofl: thou call his fer vice a needlefs ~ork ? If itJgr~rtitude can makeaman drfhomft, thou arc then a dilhonefi man. Bmt it is th\! qufinefs of the god,ly to giveup th('m– felves to him that made them, and ro exercife rheir thank..(ulnefs in rheir capacities, for thefe g.rcarefl mercies. · ' · 5. Do you think that acntdunmeretfflll man , or a loviffg and . me:cifHl man is the more honefl? Surely lfhall here haveall your votce~. He that hateth thofe that hurt him not , ~nd would kill them, and fet their honfes on fire, and earryer h malice in his fflfe ' and fpeeches, will he called an honrfl man but by few. And he that is L@ving, and fiudyeth to doGood to-all about him, will be . counted Honeft : Why try the ungodly and the S#tints by this : . No more malicious men it:1 the world then the ungodly. They l:ave an enmity even to the God that made them, CD!. r, 2 I. and ro ti1e Chrifi rhat bought them, LP.kJ 19. 27. and w che Word of God that offereth thern.falvation, and would lead xhem to eternal life, and hare rhe.Knowledge of the way of life , Prov. r. 22 • They are enemies to the fervants of the Lord, and hae the up-. . · right that defire their falvation, and would bur draw them from their fins, Pr~Jv. 29. I o, & 9. 8. They curfe thofe that Ue(s them; and perfecme thofe that pra) , for them , Matt h. 5. 44. The firfi _ wjcked man that was born into the world , did k.jll hio 6rother ~ _ bec~tufe hun4!n work.J.wereevil, and his Prothers righteous, I {t~hn j. 12 • . But this is not their grcatefi cruelty : They are .enemi.es to their own falvatiotJ : They ·will run into HelL in.tlefpight of, Chriil andall the Pre~chers in rhc world. For there is but one way thither, thewayof nl!godlim(s. and that way cbey '¥Pill ge. _ Y~a that is not all, but bloody w-retches, they would have all the Councrey dg as theyd0, and be damned with t~em. Th:y are .– r.ngrywith <Lman if l1e will n,otlive an.un~odly life, and ttpp~e:; and fwear and do as the.y ; Tbey revsle.lllm tf he wdl noE gm;!. over his dJigenc ferving of the.Lord : which is all one as to faiJ . out wirhmen becaufe rhey will not forfeit heaven, and run f:om ., Gpd, _and d?lmn.their fouls, and all for rmhing! ~hen they m1_ght more mercifullyJcorn us be.caufe .w.e will not gtve over eacmg, or.