Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

\ Pare II. 211 or that we will not cut our own throats. And are thefe cruel perfons honrft men ? Is that ~erctlefs wretc~ an honeJ! man , thlt is not content to call away hts own everla£bng happtnefs for no– thing upon his fond conceics , but mull needs have others do fo too ? That is not content to wrong the Lord, but would have others wrong him alfo ? The Devil is Honeft if thefc be ~n~. . Bat for the Godly, it is their deGre , their care, their work to fave themfelves,and further the falvation of all others. 0 how they long to hear of the Converfion of 1owns and Countries ! and how glad are they when they hear it !'Not for any worldly commodity to, but becaufe they rejoyce at the good of others. And what would they not do to promote ir, which they could do ? . 6. Do,you think that a p~rfidioHJ unfaithful man, or a faithful man that will not be hired to break his word, is the honefter man? Sure this is no hard qudlion neither. AKnight of thePoft, that will fay and unfay, fwear and forfwear, and will betray his dear– ea friend for a groat, is taken by few for an honeft man' in com– parifon of him that will rather die then lye or be unfaithful. Why nothing is more plain , then that all you that are ungodly , are treacherous to the Lord himfelf : You are per.fidioHs Cove– rrant-brcakers : You owe him yonrfdves wholly on the grounds that I before expreffed : and yet you are unfaithful to him. You have all from him, and you{ervt his enemy with it : You call him your Gud, and wiil not Love, nor honour, nor ferve him as your God, Mal. r. 6. You bound your felves to him in your ~apcifm, 01nd many a time Gnce, by a folemn Vow or Coven,mt : but you live in the treacherous breach of it concinually. You Covenaoted to t;tke the Leraforpur God; and yet you will not feek him, nor be Ruled by him. ,you Covenanted to takJ '/4 us foryourfavigur, and yet will nor be raved by him from your fins, Matth. I. 2 I. You Covenanted to takf the Holy-Ghojf for your Sanffifier, to purifie your hearts clnd lives ; and yet you re!ifr his holy motions; and hate his fandifying word and work, and fome of yon will mock at SanCtification and the Spirit. And can the foul of man be guilty of greater uhfatthfulnefs or treachery ?You Covenant– ed to for fake the fleib, the world, and the Devil : and now you. ferve them more then Chrill , and think your time is better be– flowed for them , then in the fer vice of the Lord. ! And is this E e .z. your . ;