Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

· ~ I~ 'JJ·"S"Alni · or ABrUte. !'an J;f. }'our Covenant·keeping? No Tray tors, no perjured wretches 1n the world are difuonefi men, if thefe be not dif.. honefl. Bur now i~ is the care of [.odlJ m.en to k.frp the CovmantJ they have made wuh God .. All that whtch you reproach them for as too much p:ecifenefs, is ~ut the performance of their Baptifmal Vow. And tfyou be agamfl: the k!eping our Covenams with God fhould you not be againft the makmg them ? Are you no~ dhamed to be fo forward to engage your children lo God in Baptifm, and when you have done, wouldhalle them he wngodly, and break the Vow rhey make ? Will you by your ProfeJlion of Chriflianity, and eoming ro the LordsTable, renew your Cove– n<lOts with Chrift your felves, andyet make no confcience ro break them, and pleacl againfi the keeping of them? We prornife · Holinefs, and the ferving of God , and for faking the world, at: every SacrameNt,. and whenever we pr!>mife but to be Cl1rifti. am : And are you for the mt~kjng of thefe promifes, and yet for the breakjng of them, and revilers of thofe that endeavour but to· lf.!ep them ? 0 fearful impudency t h this your HomftJ ? and· wou ld you have m all as faithlefs and difhonefr, even wirh God~ Thiswas t he perfid ioufnefs of the Jews, E~ek.,. 16. 8. · [I[-ware Hnto thee, and entred into a Coventtnt with thee, a11d thou becameft mim . J Weare married in Baptifm to Chrift ; and is Adultery with tbe world, and forfaking our Hasband, nodifbml]fy ! Why then what is? , 7. Moreover,.do you think that a Murderer-is an hone.ft,man? I know you will fay No. Why nothing more fure then that un– godly men aremurdertrs of themfelves, and as I faid, would un- · do others. They hate their own fouls, faith God, Prov . 29. 24. They de.ftroy them{elvn, Ho[. I 3. 9· Th~re is but oneway to Hell, and thar.they will take, and that when they areplainly told of ir , Not a man inHell , but brought himfeif thither. ~nd 0 bow many do their mocks, and perfwafions, . and evtl examples . .keep out ofHeav.en, and.bring to the fame m1fery! And are thefe . Ho neft ? 8. Do you take them tobe Honeflmen that art common ch~ata · d!rs, 0r deceivers , and that in matters of greatefl: value ? I thtnk you do nor. Why fach are the ungodly : They deceive and. are ~lecfived, 2 Tit. 3.. I 3. Theydeceive themfelvu ,GAl. 6.3. by Ehtnk~ ing the.mklvesfometbing when the] are Nothing .._ They make them· , feh:es