Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part JI; felves believe that they have Honefty and faving grace when they have none ; and that they are in a fiate o~ fa.fety and in t~le favour of God, when they are near ro everlafhng mifery, and m Gods difpleafure.And .thus they will think, though thetr fo~ls ar.e _ · at rhe {lake and the m1Gake be the greateH ·htnderance ot rhetr- · ' converfion' · and though God have plainly told them in his – word who~he will fave,and whom he will not: Yetagainfl: all the p'\ain difcoveries in the Scripture, and all theMillrks of death upon themfelves, and the open ungodlinefs of their lives, and all the warnings of their teachers, they will needs bdieve that their fiate is fafe,and that they may be faved without convcdion; what wilfull felf: deceivers are thcie ! Their hearts are deceitful above lflll thing;s )and they lznoW them not, Jer. 17. 9. And thus they are har:dema by the deceitfulne[s of their own fin, Heb. 3. I 3. fin fidl: deceivHh them, aQd io kjlleth them, Rom. 7· I I. If they were not fooiifh and deceived, they would not ferve their !ufts tt~nd pleafures, Tit. 3· 3. : Thefe miferabte men did never )' et learn thatleffon, I Cor. 3· 18. which one would think they fhould -·– willingly learn [ Lc.t no man.deceive him/elf.'] · They will needs think that they are Chrifrians, and have fo much Religion as will faverhem, when God exprei1y tclleth the curfer, fwearer, rail er~ fcorner, and all tha~ in wilful.! fin, J an:. I . 26. _that [If 'imy • fll!lttn feem to . be,· Ret1g;t~#s and. bndic mt hu tongue (and fo for other wi\fuHim) but deceiveth his own -heart,- that r»vtn-s Relit,irm is in vain,] r ,, · _. And as tbelDeceive theinfelvu, fo they,are the c~mmon cheater/ ,_. ofthe world • .They tell them as fmootb a tale as .if all were fair and right, when rhey are pleading againf\: God~ and reafon– ing men om of their faith and reafon.When 1!-6e h01d finned,fhe tempted Adam. -1he drunkard will temptothers to be his eom. .. ·. panions; and fo wil\ the fornicawnjl aQcl voluptuous fenfualifl:s. .. Th'eungodly will perfwade tho~e about him to be ungodly ;: and . ":~en he hath not~ word ~f f?hd nafon to fpeak againf\: the <Z · d1lrgence of the Samts, . a. }eer or -.fcorn fhall ferve to d-eceiv-e in– ftead of Rcafon. .And if he dare not itand to what he fa-ith - ~., to the face of a mini!ler, .Or any but the ignorant that cannot · gainfay him, he will r~ke ' ~is time; and fpeak when none are pre– ~ent ~hat can.contrad;tt·htm. 0 how many thoufands are now:' ·· m mtfery that wer~ . theared .thither ;by rbe fcorns and. cavils ~f ango~ly ffi.l!:n 1 And how- many thoufands have lofr all ·hopes;· .. ~'3 ,~