Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part II. ASaint dr A JJru·te~ fee who it was that eau fed Ifrael to periih in the wi!dernefs, buf . Rnbelieving jinners. Who tr9ubld Ifrael, and made them ~~ hef~re theirenemies, but one Achttn?Joih. 7· And wh~t but hn was thecaufe of their captivity, and prefent defolatwn? was it lot or the Sodomites that brought down from heaven the fire of veQgeance? Was it Noah or the world of the ungodly that brought: down the fleod? Are thefe Honefo men that provoke God to for fake the Land, and are the 'l.lermine and dtfiroyers of our peace and happinefs? But you know that God hath promi!ed · his 6!tjfing eo the Godly, and to the places where they hve oft times for their fakes, as {ojephs cafe and others tell m. I o. That man can be no Hrmeft man that wanteth the very prine-iple of HmejJy, and that intendeth not the End that s ne– cdfary to make any attion truly Henefl: But fuch are all tin- · godly men. I, The 7' rinciple Q[ true Honefly is the high efteem of Go'd and ever lafiing life, in our undeHandings, and the belief o£ Gods re,elations nece.ffary to the attaining t>f that life,and the prevllil– ing Love of Gtd in the heart, and the Love ofman for his {ak('. Without rbefe Principle~ of Honefty, no man can be ll(mefr. How can he bean Honeft man that Btlieveth not his maker? He that rakelhGod for a lyer, hath no reafon to be taken for any hetter himfelf. For would he be thought better then he takes - Go.d himftlf to fe ! nor can he in reafon be expected to -be– lieve any mrm e!fe : For none can be better then Gcd. And is that an hone£'!: man that profe.ffeth him/elf 11 Lyer, and taketh · all men to be fo too ! · And bowcan that be an Hvneft man, that Loveth not God fo well as his flefo!J lujls-and plelljures? .And this is the cafe of all thewick!d. If they did nor Love their Riches and honour and fl~fual pleafures more then God,they would not k.fep them againfl · hts command, nor lofe his favour rather then lofe them" nor · feek them rnore carefully then they feek him and bis Ki n •dotn · and t~ink of them and fpeakof them with more delight. ' And ~ ce,rramly he th~t Loveth his R1che$, or Honours , or filthy fins, better then God and Heaven it felf, mufl: needs· be thoughc. , to pn:ferr them before his neerefi Friends or the common nood 1 • A d . , b • n ts that an Hontft roan that would rather cafl. off Father or Mot herrhen cafl: off his filthy fins ? and that would rather for~ fake l.S cbidefl: friend, tbenforfake his. vices?. and -WOiilld fell -. his