:- -~. i~ .AS41nt~r 4 Brute. Part II~ bis triend, or the Commonwealth, for alittle gain, or pleafure,' -. even Iur a whore, or for drunkennefs or fuch like things? I ._th1nk you would none of you fay that this were an HoHtft man that would nodeave fo fmlill.a matter for the life of his friend, or fo~·the prrferva cion of the Corn mon wealth : Ana can yo~ -expeCt thar h.cfbould prefer any fnend before God and his Salva– tion ? If he will fln againfi God, and· fell his falvation for his fi n, can you thtnk he fhould more regard any mAn, how dear f0ever ? There is no true Honefiy in that man where the Love of God dotb nor command. 2. ~oreoverif rhe Honouring and Plet.tjing of our Lord, and the favmg of our fouls be not the End and principal rmttive of our adions, there canbe no true HfJnejfy. It is effencial to Ho• neJfJ that Gedbe our End. If yoa would know what a man i1, firit know what he Jntendeth, and makerh the End ana mark._e of hislife : And fo yori mufi do if you would judge o.f his ~~,airmJ. The End is the principal ingredient that makes themGoodor B..N. If aThief Love God becaufe he profpereth him in fiea ling, or becaufe he giveth him firength-and opportunity; this is a wicked Love of God. If a- d,.~tnk .. .'~rd Love God for giving him hisdriN/z, and a 1-Phoremonger Love God for f.l:rentbening him in his /u/f, will you call th ts Henefty? Every wicked man do th make his fenfual prefent pleafure his principal End through all his life. H he love his neighbour , it is but carnaLly, as a dog loveth him that fcedeth and firoakcch him. If he feem to be ago!Jd Com· monwealths ' m~tn, it is but for vain-t.loryor carnJl accommodati– ons: and he fighteth for his Kingor Coumrey but as a dog doth forhisbone. If lote.gil'etothe poor,itisbut chat wh ich heca.a [pare from his Belly; and it is either in a common pitty, or for vain ~tpplaufe, or he thinks by it to flop the mouth of J ufl:ice, t hat God may let him alone in his fins, or fave him after all his wickednefs. This is no more an Honeft man, then he that makes a tradeof ftuzling, and will pay Tythu of all that he {ftals, or give fome pan: to the Church or Poor, that God may_par– don him, and fave him when he hath done. All the ReltgtOn , and all the cha rity of wicked men, is but-for th~mfelvn : and that w·hich bath no higher End then Carnal felf, is truly no Religion or Charity: [cisonly the fantl:ified man that is l!.oneft :_for ir is only he that is devoted t~ God and doth the works of hts ltfe to ple:tfe, and glo!i~e his maker._' I~~re is more HomftJ in the very e~t· - mg