Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part IC 'A St~lnt oftt ' Br#tt~ 1i'1 inganddrinking-of the fandified, then in the prayer and facri– ficts and alms .deed of the ungodly. Or elfe God wou ld never have faid as he bath done that [Vnto the Pnrc all things are pure: hut to them that ~re defiletd and unbelievi~g u nothitJg pure, but even their mindanll Con/cience u ae.filed, Ttt. I. I 5. And rha r e'l:lery creature u jllnili~ed by the word of Go~ and by Pr~yer, I. T1m. 4. 4, 5. And that theprayer .end the (acrtftce of the wnk_ed u abo– mitMtion to the Lerd, and he t~.bhoreth and loatheth them, when the 1rttpr of the upright is hu delight, Prov. I 5. 8. & .2 I. ~7· l~a. I. 1 3. Prov. 28. 9. & 8. 7· & z 1. 20. For the fancbfied m thert; very eating and drinking ·do make it their end toGlorifte G@d, and to be fitted for his fervi ce, 1 Cor. 1 o. 3 I. But the ungo;,ly do all, even in their dmi:es that feem mofr Holy, but for a felfifu carnal End. So that it is plain that he that Wtlnte th the ncceffa– ry Principles and &nd, that muA: inform an Honeft mind and life,. .can have no Honefly of mind or life. [Now the end of the Commaudment iJ Chnrity, out of a pur-e heart, and ~f a good c-onfcience, andof faith unfeig,ed] I Tim. I. 5. . Bu t perhaps you will fay, that there bath been Honefly found am~ng HNZthens : and therefore this doUrine cannot hold. To ~h 1 ch I anfwer, I. If this were true, yet it is proved, that there 1s no comparifon between their Honefly and the -true Chrifrians.• ~. But indeed, there was never trHe Honefly found in any ungod– ly man. But fornetbing that is life! to HoneftJ they may have. 4fotteriallJ they may do the fame out:ward ~ cl; that HunejJ men _ do; and this the world accounteth Hone.fty, that feeth not the injide, and the Ends, and therefore give tne name to the M at– ter without the Form. And fuch may be Htineft [ecundum qnid, but no t fimplicitur. An An~tlogic~l Hone fly they may have : andbelcfs dijhoneft then fome Others. And fo as Robbin Whood was called an Honeft thief that would rob none but the rich, and fometimes bring a yoake of Oxen that he had A:oln and give them to a poor that had none ;{o may a Heathen and ungodly man be Honeft. But men mufi be Denominated (and fo mu!l: their aCti– ons) according to what is predominant in them. And therefore we mufi fay, if we will fpeak properly, that no ungodly man is Honeft. . . If you ask, How then it C(:)mts to pafs that fuch t~re accounted Honeft mm., and that the world difcerneth not the Honesty tiJat con~ "fteth in a Hvl.J life? I anfwer I. Becaufe that all the ungodly Ff have