1,-t:S ~. S:aint 'r 4 Brute. Part I'V have~ail ·Enmit)' to BoUnefs : · And malice hlindeth men that· they cannot fee rhe Good that is in thofe they hate. ~. Be- . caufe they do not k..now what Godlinefs u, and therefore know not the HQ~efty of it appearing in its Principles, Ends and; Rul~. . For tt ts not .effeCtually known by .any but rhofe that ~ave tr. 3· Becaufe all carnal m~n ~o judge after the ~efo ;' ~nd as they a~e to thcmfdv~s thetr htghel1 End 1 fo they do }udge of all thmgs elfe accordmg to that End. He is an Honeft' man with them, th'~t is for them, and furthereth th-eir eomm?dity; _ or anfwereth thew defire. Mark. them whether they JUdge not thofe tO be the Honeflefl men, rhat fuit themfdves moft to their minds t~~nd wills, and fily and do tu they would have them. And fo amongThieves there is none fo hrmeff men ·as their com– p~inions : nor among dr~mk._ards none fo honest as ·,they that · will fit with them, and ~·aHe their time, and prate like ideots · over a pot of Ale, forgetting that death and judgement are pofting . toward them whik they,Gt there. : . Ami among Har– l ots their Mates fc·em ,Honef/. So that difhomfl men are no fi( Judges of Hone fly . That which is futed to their corrupted. mind is be.ft .with them. And this is their.Homf/y. .· · . By this time you may fee, if you are not willfully blind, that the way of GodlinejJ is the onJy,HfJne.ft. way: and ·cberefore you · mufi either be Godly or Difh~mft; and pretend not any longer. ~hat you are Homfl while you are ungod'J: tmlefs you will ln– creafe ymar fuame b.y your comradict:iom. The Scripture de– fcription of one.that is Hmcfl is, that (in Jimplicity ~nd godlj fincerity, not ·in fle/hly wifdrnn, !Jut ·/Jy the grace of God,. he· bath· hu . con'CI~r(ation in the. world J ·2 Cor. J. I 2~ The Honefl.y which the Gofpel teacheth, and which God will ownis this, [ tbat de– "Jing ungodlintfs and WrJrldlj lufls, we live fvberly; righteeujly and godly i» thuprtfent 'World, /fJokjng frn ·that blefed hope and the glorious appe11ring .(Jf the great ·Grul, 11nd our faviour [efm Chrifl,] Tit. 2. 12., I 3. [ t.A Godly S.eed J ii oppofed to the ft:uit of Adubery, Mal. 2. I). And when David lamenteth th'e decay of Hone fly in the world, his 'language tells you whom he took for Honefl .men, Pfa1. 12, I. [Help urd, for the Godly man eeafeth: [fir the fa::thful flililefromamong the Children .of men.] and verf. 8. you may perceive what he thinks of others, [; T.be w.id~jd walton every -fide, -when the vilefl me14 ~re e.>:Rtkd J Tp, ( ferve God w.itb. revermoe ·tmd godly f~11rs, 1s the · true · · · Ilrfmffy,