.Part n.\ ':A SAint ,,._4 BnJt!,. tij HonefJy, Heb. ·12. 28. And now choof~ ~ou whether you will he Honeft or ungodly: hut 'he fore that 1t 1s the Godly that are efl:eemed ·'Honefl and accepted by the Lord : and how ever the world judgeth, [Know ·that the Lord httth Jet fl-part him that 'U GodlJ for him[df] as he tells you, Pjal. 4· 3. ------------------~~--------------~~- CHAP. V I I I. llolinefs .is.themefl Gainfull W41·' VVEE have certainly found out already t-he SAFEST Way, and the HONESEST way: We are next to en– q~ire which way is mofi Profitable. And one would thi.nk that: tlm fhould be as eafily rcfolved as the reil. I am fure tf God be wifer then man, and.his holy word to be belieyed, the que– frion is decicled,and beyond difpute.Saith Paul,1Tim.6.5,6.Men of corrupt minds, anadeflitute ef the trHth, fuppoJe that Gain u godlinefs,] or that it' is better dHm Godline(s , and therefore their God/inefs eo be f11ited to their worldly gain: [ But ( it is ) Godtinefs ·with contentment which u the great Gain) Yea [ Ged– line[s u profitahle to all things, having Promife of the life thttt. n{)wu, and ofthatwhichuto come. J I Tim.4. 8. But to what end lhould I cite more words of Scripture, for a point which all rhe Scriprure proveth? It is not poffible that any man can he unrefolvcd in this, that underfiandeth and be– Jieveth the wordof God. But yet becaufe I fee that Commodity is fo much lookt after in the world, and.almofl: all are for _the Gainful way~ as they apprehend it, and therefore its plain that: Godlin.efs is not Practically believed to be the mofi gainfr~/ 'WAJ (or elfe men would follow it as eagerly as they do their world– ly gain ; ) I !hall therefore open to you fomewhat of that Gain that God/ir;e(s doth bring ; and if you can fay th~t any other courfe will prove as gainful, and make it good, then take that: rmurfe: But if you cannot!, confider what you have todo; and · do not refufe your ownc~mmodity. I. The fidl: part of our Gain, which is the fum of all the refi,' ~$ God bimfelf who is be~ome OHr God, through refmChrift. He · .. ··· F f 2 · is ' .