Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

whom the Lora abhorreth.] Pfalm ro. 3. It u the Lord that is ](irJg for ever and ever; that heareth the de.fires of the humble; tbat prepareth our heart.r ,andpreparethhis ear to hear. Vtr. I 6, I 7. Our fouls fha/1 makf rheir bof.lft in (]od, Pfalm 34-· 2. [ 0 t4! and fee that the Lord is good! blef{ed is the man that trufteth "~ him. J Buc ;~ ou cannot tav crnly [ BlrJfed is the man thM hath L ands and Lorjhips: BltJfed u the man that hath Crowns and J(ir;gdQms:]Y~a, truly mayyou fay, [Cur{ed is the man that trufteth ~ iYJ man, and rnak§th flejh his arm, andwithdr.t:weth huheart from the Lord. ] Jer.IJ. 5· [Fear the Lord yehis Saints, for thereis no:wantto tbemthat fe~r him.] Pfalm 34-8 , 9, 10. Bmwhen you haveall the world, you cannot fay that you ha..-e nowanr. - Confounded then be the covetous Jdelat(rJ, that boaft themfelws of their Idols ( Pfalm 97· 7.) But in G(:)d will we boaft all the dtZJ /onj,, and prAije his for e·vermore. Pfalm 44. 8.. What have ' JOU b1:1t the glea11ings of our harveft? ancl. the ~rums that fall from the ehildrens table? Our God is he that givethyott your proQ fperity: H' droppethyou thefe leavlngs, ·from the redundanq · of his Goodn~fs, when he ha·th given himfelf, · his Svn' and ail thingJ rohis ()Wn. All that we want, and all that our fouls de– fire, i~in God. We have none in heaven but him, norttny in earth that we·dejire bejidn him, Pfalm73· ·25. His loving kjndne[J· is lmter to m then life: Pfalm 63: 3. [ Our flefh and ourheart fail– eth m (and all the ueatures fail us) b·ut God iJ. the flreHJJh of our hearts. and ·oUr portirm for ever. J Pfalm 73. 2.6. Venly the Riches of all che Princes of the ~anh is lefs in comparifon of him that is the Trf.'afureand Porcion of the Saints, then a{haw is ro all the earth, or a little dlilng to the fhining Sun. 2. Would yom yet hear more of the Riches of Believers (though more then ·God- there cannot be) The .Lord Jefus Chrift is their Head and HmiMnd; t hdr Saviour and ]nterctf[our at Gods right hand: They are Married to him! His Merits are thein for all thofe ufes to which they need them. It ishe that fuftifieth : Who then /hall eondemn -thrm? · He that Jpared not· hi~ own Son,but gP~ve him .up for ;, how fha-/l .h:e not'with.hjm:·alf() freely give m all things?.:' Rom. 8. 3•2, 34. Ch.rift,is the Prad of t-n(inite value;fo~ whorn we have williBgly jrJ/d 'all. M~tth. I 3. 45 ,46. And ~hat are all ymr Tre4[urestothis Tre'dfure? Ask Pa~tand he wtll tell you, that had tryed .both, PhiI. 3. 7, 8. Hit a~~n he 'CMnteth Lfl[.I.".jor Chrift: ]eft,: all .things he IJCC,C'IInted f L~ . ,: ·- 611!