Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. ~r 11 Brute. Pan IT.' bu!lofs l!n.ddu~g, for the excellency of the k_.nowledge of Chrift.J le 1~ Lo7Je.tncomprchenji6le ,Jurpttjfing~(now/edge, that iJ reveAled ta '!smC~rijJ, Eph. 3. 18, I?· The_Riches ofChri/f are unfearch~ able Rtches, ~ph. 3. 8. It ts Cbn!l that liindeth up our 6ro~m hearts ; that 1s the and Reconciler of ·oar fouls ro God. What he bath done for us, and '?fhat he will do;I fhall tell you anon. B1:1t the ungo~ly have no part in him, nor have they any fuch treafurc,th:u wtll do for them wharChrifl will do for n 2 • The!r Tre~Z[ure is the wr~tth of God, which they are hMping up 11gamji the day of Wrllth, tmd rtvel~ttion vf the rightcoJH judgement Df God, Rom. 2. 5. A 11 the Treafures of wifdom and k_nowledge 11re hid in Chrift, Col. 2. 3. And he hath them for us, according to our meafure : as being our Treafurie, our Head, and made of God tour WsjdrYm, aNdRiJ;-hteoufnefs, llnd Sa11Clijication, and Re-. dempti~n, I Cor. I. 3o. They are exewling Riches of Gr~ce that ·are fhewed in the kjndnefs of qod through J efus Chrifi, to all that are fandified by that grace, Ephfj. :?.. 6, 7, 8. Yea, that you may fee there is no comparifon, even that which you abhorr in a Chri– :flians cafe, and account his rnifery ancl the worft of Chrifi, is bener then rhe beJI of your condition, and then that for which you lofe your fouls. For the 'l;lery ReprG;~ch of Chrij}, iJgreater riches thm thi TreAjures ofthe world, Heb. 1I. 26. And it is rhe reprOttch that we undergo for Chrifi , that youmoft ~bhorr, and the trea– f'#res (jf tbe world that you highlyefl: eftcern.It is greater Riches to be one of them that are{cornea and derided for the fake of Chrif;t, then eo be one of them that bath the wealth of the world at his difpofe; Aod if the Reprcach of C~rlfi be ·greater Riches then all yours, What then is his Life, and Love, and Benefits 1 _his Grace and Glory ? · 3; Would you have the Richesof the Saints yet further open~ ed to you? Why the Holy-Ghoft u_in Covmant wi~h tiJ~m tU their . Sanflijier and Comforter : And he 1s not on!y thetrs htt;Jfelf, by Cev.enant and R:tlation, but he alfo dwelleth m them by hts graces, and rdl:oreth the image of God upon them. ·They are the Tem· pies of the Holy-Gh4l'wh~ch u~'nthe~_, l 'C?r· 6. I9. _And by the Spirit, and by ·Faith, Chnfi dw~lleth m thetr hea~ts, Ephef. 3. I 7• .Rom•8. I I. 1 Cor. 3. x6. Gad htmfelf dr3th dwell m them, and con– verfe with them, and write his Law in their bearts,and teach rhem bimfelf bythis·hisSpirit. 2 {or. 6. 16. Heb. 8. IO. & 10. 16. t Here~ywek._no.w thllt "he dwelleth in m by,the Spirit Whi€h he ~ath · g:ven