Part IL A:Sttint or tt'BrtJtt. 2 2 3 givtn us, I {ohn -3.: 24. Yea he that is,joyned tQ the L'oul,is One Jfi_i– r-it, I Cor.6. 17. For [the Lord u that ' Spirit, am~ wherethe Spirit of the Lord u, there u liberty.] 2. E:or. 3. 17. [ We are tm .· htiibir~ttion of God through the Spirit. Ephef. 2. 22.] [ Becaufe we are fons, God hath fent the JPirit of hu Son into our h.earts, where6y we cry A bba F11tker; G?d. 4· 6.] By this Spi:i t .rh~ Saints have ac– cefsuntotheFather; Ephe[2.18. andbythts 1t ts that they are quickened to prayer and holy worfhip, and their infirmities are helpt,Ephef. 6~ 18. Rom. 8. I I, 26. By this they fight aga~nft the flefo, and overcome it, Gal. 5. 1 7, 18. Rom. 8'. I 3~ In thts they - live, and 'walk_, 1/.nd work.,, Rem. 8. I, s~ Gal. 5· 16, 25. This Spirit is the Teflimony of their Adoption. Rom. 8. I 6. and the feal and earneflof their heavenly inheritance, 2 Cor. I. 22. &5·5: E phef. 4· 3o. By this they llre new born, rohn J .. 5·, 6; And put off the old man which u corrupt-according to the deceitful tufts, and b,– ing renewed in the (pir-it of'th&ir minds,do put on the new man, which ttjttr Ged u created in- RighteeufnefumJ t-rue Holt''nefs, Ephef. 4. 22,23, 24. By,theilluminationof this fpirit, they have anew underfianding, and are brought out ef dark._nefs into the marvell~us · Light of Chrift, I Pet. 2 · 9. that tbey may lznow what u the IJope of the Chriftian Yo€ati~n , and what is·the Riches of the glory of Chrifh inheritance in the Saints, Eph. I. I 8. In a word, by this Spirit their fins.are mortified, their fouls renewed, and made . like to God, and they become a holy Prirft-hood, a peculiPir people unto Chrift, and in this Spirit ha'!Je Communion 'With him, Rom. 8. J 3. Tit-3. 5. I Pet. 2. 9· Tit. 2. 14. 2 Crir. 13: I 4~. And. ~ what is all the Riches of this world, to this Heavenly Tteafure, the Spirit of the LFJrd? They that have this Spirit, are taught by it to Jet light by a!lyour Riches, and to efieem one dayes Corn.:. · nmnion with Cbrift, above all the Gold and Glory of this world~ - . And that which-fets the foul of man fo far abQve Rt,hes, is better then tho[e !Uchu.. As ,.your Lands and honours do fet you above the pins and points that children take for their t:reafure , ~nd fet as much by-as you-doby yours ; fo the Spirit of Chrift and the Life of Faith-, doth'fet the fouls of true ·Believfrs a thoufand:... fold more ·ttboveyo-ur Riches 5 then you are above your chiidrens toyes. . - If yet you fee not the Riches of Saints; €Onfider·but the ;wo!i– derful e~preffion~ 2 Pet. I. 4. that they [ "luwe exceeJing great· 11·ndp~enom, p~omifes gi:v~n t-he7!J, ~hat 6ythe{e thc.y .maybe partak!~; gJ '