Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

'Part II. ' A Sdint or 4 Brt~u:· 31) wickfd, and curfe~ with fuch a heavy curfe ~ What are they that fet more by their money the~ by the fpectal gtf~ of_ the Ho~yGhoH:, yea that hate <t~d <dende u:, an~ plea.d ag;;un~ 1ts. Sanctt– fying work? Th~ tin;.e ts near when your ~1ches wtll fad )OH • and your profpenty ate, and your fins wtll hve; afld then there is none of you all but will f:ly that Pardon and Grace are greater Riches then all the world. · 5. Moreover, the godly have Angels tG attend them ~tnd be tlw'r gu!lrd, as I have pro~· ed to you befor.e. An~ are horfes, and kine~ and oxen , think you, greater Rtcl;Jes then the Guard an~ Minifl:ration of the Angeh; of God? Heb. I. 14, Pjalm 9r. 1 I, I 2, 6. And furely the very Commtmion of Saint.t and Ordinances Qf God which in the Church we here enjoy , are greater Rir;hes then all the world. We are now no moreftra~;gers .md forreigners, but fel– lfiw-Citiz:.ens of the saints' tlnd of the houfhold of God. Ephe(. 2. I g.• We are members of tbac wdl- tempered body; where all the members are obliged ~nd difpofed to have the fa'ff!e care one for tznother, thou if one fujfer aO (ujfer , mtd if one be honoured alt re– joyce, I Cor. 12, 25, 26. As weak as Chrifiians are, andas worth– ief~ in your eyes, one of their hearty fpiri cual prayers, and one .word of rhcir holy fa voury conference, doth profiE us more, then all your Treafures will ever profit you. While the Di'lVine natPJre is in them , fomewhat Divine will proceed from their mouthe5, and be fecn in their lives, which is worth ·more then all the Riches of the world. And 0 how fr~itf1:1l are the holy Ordinances . which we partake of, both in the Churches Communion, and alone in our retirements·! A poor Chrifiian can get more in a Sermon which you ileep und~r, or deride, then you will gee by your trades or livings while you live. He findeth greater Trea– fures in one Chapter of the Bible, or in one good Book, then you can get out of all your lands or labours. The beft of your livings will not yield you fo much commo~ity in fev.en years, nor in feven rhoufand years, if you could fo .long keep them, as a believing foul onget from God in·one hours prayer, even i.n fc-. cret, where he is not by rnan obferved. You do not belie·~·e this, thn are ungodly : I know you do not hean.ily believe it ; for elfe yo.u would rry it, and not continue in yo11r ungodlinefs. But they that try it, know it to be true-. Or elfc what makes them ~~nt~~ue in it , and live upon their holy Communion with God . -- -· . -· - ----- · · - ~ g --- -- ---·--- --- and