Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

.\ ~ :1· 16·- '_A·S4-Jnt or ll B·r11te: Pare 11. · and hi~ fen•ants, more refolvedly then youdo onyour lands and labours. Somewhat youmay conjedure they find in holy dl:l'ty t-hat makes them fo infiant in it as they are. ' 7· Another part of our commodity by Ho line[!, is, the Prcmife and Ajfurance of the Love ef God and of our {alvati on ; and tbe Peace tif Confcience th;~t fulloWeth hereupcm. A'\1 true Belie-rers haveo6j_etlivecertainty: that is, the th-ing u certainini'tfelf, whether they perceive ir or not. And they may bavefubjtCliveor ABu.dcrrtainty in themfllvN) if they do their parts-. And is nor a-certain Title 1:'0 a Lord/hip or a Kingdom, a greater Trcafure then the pojfeffion of a ftraw ? Mnch more is Gods Promife of Everlafting Glory, l greater Treafure then all your wealth. As Hea-ven is infinitely better then earth, fb rhe· Proinifeof God is the bejl feotrity. Though we be not with Abraham, Jja,~~c <Jnd Ju– cob, and do not yet fee the face of God' , yet -have we 01 Promife that fpeedily W(' jhallbe there, and foal! fu that which they fee ·, and enjoy all tbat which they en joy. Tbe poorefl: Chriftianbath all tht.Zt in Promife under the hand of God himfelf, which Angel! a~d GlorifiedSaints have in poJfeffion. They ea~ fhew·you-abetter Tttle ro l-ieaven, though theyare umwonhy m themfelves, then :my of 'you can fhew to your lands or houfes-, in your Deeds or Leafes. As poor and·firnple as that Godlyman is whom you cle-– fpife, he is an Heir of Heaven, and a f-ellow-Heir with Chrift ·, . Jlr;m. 8.17. G{/!;3.29. Heb. 1.14. & 11.9. Wlien we had th-e waftn'ng of Regr:neration, and the renell'in,g of the Holy-Ghojl, and -were juflijied b;·grace, we were. m11dc th( Heirs vf eternal life, ttC"" cerdingtotheh&pe· thacis ,give.nus ·by theGofpel, Tit.3. 5;7. And God that bath given them diofe [Better thin!Nhat llCCfJm– pany falvativn J is nfJt nnrigbteom- to forget their work._and labour of ltJve, ij- thq de bm ]hew the fame diligence to the fttll affurant·e sf hope U'Nto the._end, and ·be not _p:oathful, bPStfollower.r of-them, wb~ through faith artd patience inherit the Promzfes.] ,Heb. 6. 9' I 0', -I J, 12. For thu caufewtUOhrifl-th-e Me-diator of the NewT-efla· ment, that b) means f)f death·, frir the re~e-mption of the Trttn[gr~ffion.r unde'r the firft Tejfament; they--whtch t~re called may recnve the Promife of the eternal inheritance. He_b .9. I 5. ~nd we k._1wW thAt be it f~t.ithful'thPlt hath promifed.~ And 1f your Bills, and Bonds, and Deeds and Leafes be part of your Riches, we fhall much IT:!{) re take\he ·Prf)mif/of God, for our~ evedaf.ting _happinefs in }iea,yen, to be ~1chesQ . S. And .-