Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

}'nrt n~· ASttinl or A Bru-tt.~ . 2'•11 8. And yet we may prJt this among our Ricbu, or ·at lea{'!: as the Over·plus given us by God, that we have better advantage, e11cn for the matters of thu wsrld, then -the ungodly have. For we have a Promi[e that we nothing that u good for m,Pfal. 34· I o. and fo have not they. We have warrant: to caft all our care o11 God, who by promife is engaged to care for,m, I Pet.5. 7. We are ·commanded to be ( anxioufly) eareful for nothing;, but in all things to m~~tk.! /'Wn our rtquefts to GDd, as little children that care not for rhemfelvcs, but go to rheir father for what they want; Phil. 4· 6. It is enough for us whatever we want, that our kuwenly Father Jz~r~o!l'eth that we w_ant it, Matt h. 6: 32. who bath charged us to dtsburden our mmds of rbefe vexattous cares, and to feek,_#rft hu Kingd~m 11na the Righteou[nefs tbtreof, and promifed usthat other things fh.;~/l be added to Hs, Mat. 6. 33. We havc alfo a promife that all things fhall Work._together for our good, JVmJ. 8. 28. And therefore we fhall have more from the things of this life, then the ungodly have: Yea more by the want of them, then they by the poffeffil)n. For if they do us good in our graces and communion with God, and in the matter of our falvariorr, they belp us to that which is of far higher value then themfei~es. PG". vert] to a true Believer:, is better then Riches to the ungodly tha.t: deflroyeth himfelf by them, when the Believer is helped by his pov(rtJ. Imprifonmentto P41tu/an,d SilM~ was better then .liber– ty eo their perfecutors. And thus in thefrujts and faving"enefttJ; aiitbingsareours,I Cor. 3. 22. We have the Loveof God with what we poffefs, be it more or lefs, when the wicked have hii wrath with it. And who would have their Riches on fuch terms ? 9· Another part·of theGain of Godlinefs is, that it puts us i»– to ~ Relldinefs to die,llnd aJitntfs to appear-before the Lord. Though all the Godly have not fogreat ~ relldint{s as to defire to be pre– fe11tly dijfolvet:l, yet till of th(m are in a fafe conditi~n, and are fo tar ready, that death lhalJ pafs them intoableffed fiare. For we l{_nuw that if oHr earthl] ha.ufe of ·thid were dif{olved, we havt~ot building of God) an hou(e not made with .hllndJ, ecernal in tke htavens. And in thu wt groan Nlrneftly,defiring tobedoathed upon. withour hofttfe which u from heaven : AndGod th~t hath given m tbe earneft flj hu Spirit , harh 'Wro.uY,ht in us ; to be ~lwayes crmfi– dmt (or at leaft g1ven us caufe) k.._no\ving that whilejt lj't dr-e r1 t home zn the body, we flre abfent fr£Jm 'the Lord (For w& W.:dk... by G g z . f~tith, .