Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

t .JO .Part !1. 1 For'whsfoever will /ave hu life /hllli lofe it, and whof@ever rvitl lofe hu life for m1Ja~e foal! find it : Fo'f' what u a man profited if he foali gailfJ the 'Whole- world, 11nd lofe his own foul I Or what J!'alt a man give in exchange for his foul 1 For the Son of man /hall come in the Glory of his Fathtr with hi.! Angtls, and then he ./hall Prward tv·ery m~naccording tohu wor~s. · Well firs, you that are all for Getting, and for "Wealth, judge now if you lanve not lofi your Realon, whether a Holy or smholy, a Heavenly or an Earthly life, he the more Projit11ble · way ! I would noc draw you ro any thing that you lhotJ!d lofe by. . If I fpeak not for your Gain, rejet't my words as contem– pruoufly as you pleaft!. But if I do, then be not againfi yo1:1r own commodity. Will fuch filly Gain as the world affords yo1:1, do fo much with you as it doth : and fball f}Ot the Heavenly in. heritance do more ? ilia!) all this ftir be made in the world for that which you are ready to leav·e behind you, and will you not lay up a Treafure in heaven, where' ruft and moaths corrupt nor, and where you may live for ever? Matth. 6. 20• What profit now hav~ all rhofe millions of fot:1ls, rh at are gone from earth, by all the weahh they here poffeffed ! Hear £inners) and be think you in the name of God. You are leaving Earth, and fiepping into Eternity, and where then fhot1ld you l~y up your Riches? Would you rather haveyom Ponion wh~re you muft flay but a few days, then where you muft dwell for ever ? 0 LtZbour not for the meat that peri./beth, in comparifon of that Which enduretb to cver!afting life, "''ffhirh (hri.ft will give you, if you \~[ill follow him, 'foh. 6. 27. M~tk_eyou friends of thu wealth that .the world a~rb to llnrig_hteoufnefs) that whm all fails 6elow, JM may be ~-recei'l!eJ into the ?irtrl11fting habitati{)ns, Luk. I 6. 9· Make not your felves aTreafure -of corruptible riches, and fet not your heart on Gold and Silver, left the ruff of it be a witnefsagainft you, and e.ue your firfh M it were fire ; and le.ft J e_e .heap up another ki'nd of treafure tben you dream of, agatnH the /aft dAJ'· How many of you have caufe 1o weep and howl, for pur t:pproaching miferies, even rhen when you are .glo– rying in your profperity ? ram. S· I, 2, 3, 41 ). _Are you for Commodity ? Refufe not then the be~ Com_modny ? Be not enemies tO them, or eo thofe boly mot1ons, rhat make for your everlafti ng Profir. Take bu~ the Gainful/eft GfJHr/e.for. JOFI·r jel11es, and we arc pleafed. If you know any thing berc~r · then