Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

f>art 11. ~SAintlrAJrute: i3i then God and Gtory, and any riches th~t will endtare any lo~ge r then Eternity, why do you not fbew 1t m, that we may JOYn with you ?· But if you dQ not, why will you ~ot hearken eo ~he fenams of the Lord, and joyn with them ? [Whenfore, fatt h. the Lord, do you (fend mor;ey for r.ha t which is no~ ~refld: and )'OUr labour for th.u »·hieh(ntiJfieth mt ? Bearlzfn dt,Ztf:e~tly un~o me, and eateye thtzt which u g()od, and let your foul de!tght tt }elftn fatnefs: Encline yoNr care, come unto me, hear andyour fr;ul fbalt live, and ] will mak._e an everlP~fling Crn;enant with you, J Ifa. S5. 2, 3. lf rbere be not more to be Gorren by Chrifi, and by prayer, and by the promifes, and a holy life, then there is by fin, or tpen there is by all your friends, or lands, or trades, or care, or labour here, then take your cot.nfe,, and turn your back on God, and fpare nor. But if you are afhamed to [ay {o, be afhamed ~ to, or to live fo. Verily firs, if the Gofpel be trtile, you muft be every man ·of · you Saints or Miferable. HelinefJ is the only thriving .way: Yea the only Sav£ng way. If you forfake this way, you are Lo}ingwhil-e you are Gaining-, and L(jfing by, your G11ins. Yoa are but making Achans b<lrgain, that by his Gold did purchafe a fiorrp of fiones that dalht Otlt his brains, {o./b/ 7. You are nm:-- · ning afcer Gehe~ie'sgains ; that thought be had got Riches, and it proved a Leprojie. You ar,e trading with the Devil, though you fee him nor, titncl will not be.Jieve it, even as certainly as the miferable witches, that fell him their fot:ds for a few fair promifes~ and when they have done, have the miferaMefi life .of any. You are laying up but Judalnreafures, which quickly· grew coo hot! to hold, and roo heavy for his confcience to bear : and he would fain rid his bands of it if he knew how, and becaufe he (flnnot he hangs himfelf, and rids himfelf out of the. ailie.s into the flames. 0 covet not,fuc:h 1mdoing gains, which you at! know as fure as you breath, Ehat you mufl: let go. Believe but .you,r Redeemer and you ·!hall know, , that there are greater .-and better things before you. Gather not fiones when you may be gathe~ing pearls. Jiear me.· poor finner ! If God an<il . Heaven, 1f Graceand Glory feem not better Riches tfien, thi.s , ~orldl tho.u jqdgeit tby.felfro have,no p"rt in themh ,