·Part II. 'A St~int ~r aBrute. 2 3 3 their neighbours, ,even the very wonder and the repmach of thofe abollt them. When this is made a Principle that all muR: hold that ever hope.to be accepted wich the Lord, in Heb. I 1 6 . that he iJ a Rewarder fJf them that Diligently {etk._ him. This is the nelt point in our faith, to the Believing that there u a God. And yet among us that called our felves Chrifiians, the Diligent jeckjng of the Lord was fo fu from being thus ~Hcemed or, thac it was the furen way ro make a man conrempttble and odt– ous unto many. The jealous God did long endure this horrible indignity, but would n0t flill endtire it from us. Muft he make a Holy Law for the .Government of the world, and lhall theobeying of it be derided 1 Is he our Soveraign Lord, having byCreatiorJ and Rea'empti.on the right of Ruling us, and fhall we [corn them that will be Ruled bJ him ! Thofc that 'Will not ha11e Chrij} rHle over them, will furely be deflroyrd, Luk. 19:27. and {hall thofe efcape that feorn his fervice ? llo!ine{J is the Image of God, and unholinefs the Dgvil; im11ge : And when the ]mll[.e of Gt~a is made a [corn, and the Devils imflgc had in hrmour, and that by them Ehztt call themfelves Chrijlians, wa5 it noc time for God to ari{e to judgement? Was it not enough that · God was fl.eighted by them, and his fervice turned out of doors, but it muH be: made a 6y-WQrd ! Is there but fJne way Pleafing unto God, and but ~m way that leadeth to falvation, and muft: that one way be the Cfimmon fcorn? For thefe things God had a comroverfie with tbi~ land; and he hath plead~d his caufe with fire and fword, and fpoke by~ 'Yfiice that will not be derided : he harh entered inro judgement with Priefls and people : He will nor always fupporc and maintain a people to deride him. Oh :England, hadi1 thou none to make the foot-ball of dl} [corn, but the ferv~ntJ of the mofl High God ? D!d he not tell thee that they were hu {ewels, Mal. 3. I. and rhat he that touched them did touch the apple of hu eye-? Zech. 2 . 8. Will he ~iye hu [on for them, and will he Glorifie them with himfclf, and make them tqual f(} the Angels , Luk. 20. 36. and cl id!!: rh01.. 1 think he wouldgi'lle thee leave ro make them tEe {corn and ojf-fcouring of the world? Hadfi thou none to make the football of thy con~ .t~mptaous fport, but the /em of Gad, the f} oufe fJj Chrijf, yea Ius members, and the heirs of hertven? Oh toolilh nation, hadft thou none to deride and make thy by-word but ChrifJ bim~ fdf ~ Yea ., i~ ~fl! ·f~rifl himfdf, tholilgh thou wilt not be-; . t! ~ --- - ---- ---·- - 1~cv~