234 AS~iJntorABrtltt~ PartiH lieve it! In as much as thou didft it to one ofthe left ()f thefe hu Brethren, thou didfi it unto him, Mat. 25. 40. Jn. alt their. ttjfiiClio1H be wa~ iiffliiled, Ifa. 63. 9. and therefore in all thei1' reproachn he WaJ repre~t,hed. All thofe that were derided for Holinrfs, were derided upon Chrifts aecount. If Holimfs be vile and to he/corned, thenGed himfe/f is "i::ile and ro be feorned, and confequently is no G(}d: and what greater Blafphemy. could be uttered by the wngue of man? For God u Holinrfs it felf.ln us it is but a beam, from him the lhining glorious Sun. If a lit.. t.le in m imperfect worms be hated by thee, howwou\dfi thou ha.te rhe pcrjf[l Holinefs of God ? And if we deferve thy fcorns. for our obedimce, ( alag our trJo imperfect ebulience) it muil: fall upon him that made~ ~he Law, and gave us thef~ £.omrnands. If he be toe precife that imperfectly obeyeth God, whu will you fay of God himfelf tha~ commandeth more then any of us all perforrneth ? and that c.:haqgeth us on pain of damnation eo obey him. 0 how much wifdyer would you do , if you daily fiudied ,_and diligently obeyed thefe Laws your fclves! If the Rulers of tb~ earth would remember him that is the King of Kings, and did fervc the Lord wirh fear, and rejoyced before him with trembling, and ki.fi the Son to prc~ vent lm anger, and their periiliing in the way, Pftt~l. 2. I r, I 2. 0 England ·! had thy difobedient inhabitants never heard, how vain their rage and i-magination-s would be, when they jet them• felvCJ 11nd took., cosmfel againft.the Lordanjbi.r anminted, /~tying; let m break their btmds ajHnder, and caft away thtir cords from m ! Did they never hear th1t the deriders were derided 17y him that fittrth in the heavens , and how he will fhortly !Jmlk:, · to th~m in wrath , thac fpeak againfi his ways in malice. ., and will vex them in hu for:e difjleafure, thac vext his fer– vanes for the doing of his pleafure? Wt!l they .not believe rill . Hdl have taught them that in defpight of all his Enemies, he w.ill fee his fon rbe King of Saints upon his holy hill of Si~N ? .Pfal. 2 I. to 9· Had they never heard how hard at ·lafi it. will prqve for them to kick againfhhe pricks ? Act. 9· 5· And will they not kr1ow by any other means but feeling, that he will de.flr()y thofe as hu enemies that would not ha"f!e him to raign over 'them, Luk. r9.27. and that he will brttlk..,them -Witha Rod of ·irBn, .and dafb them in pieces li~e if Potters vrfel ? r>fal. 2 . 9 . · .0 . S,~ormrs, d"id YQL! !1~-.~~£ !c~d ~i~ ~~rds~ .1_ St~m. [2T~e~.