3~0 A·- SAint or A'Brute. Pan-~ 11' ... fheep~yea the-chattering daws, then thefe idle, prating fo~lifu . companions. For with the former you fha\l have fom~ ntllt,rA-l .[ goGd, witl!out any mixture of fin_fut evil ·: But in foollh, pra~ing~. company, what ihall.you p.ercetve, ~ut bowN Mure is ,dep1;a-ved, . l10w finners are.beJ1de -themfelves-,.how.Satan.doth befo~l them ._, - and how God .is forgotten .while he is prefent with them and;.· they are laughing in the Devils chains, and. at .the very brink of. <ieath and hell !. And can a man be merry to hear f'blch mirth as: T this ? It is·a fad fpetlacle eo fee mentaugh in Be.dlat»: but mu.ch , more to fee -them merry in t'he fetters of their jiJJ , and under the t4reatnings,and wrath of God. Were you but men of right com– pofed minds, I durfi refern: it to.yoar (elves, whether holy corn-., papy an-d difcourfe be not like to. be be mucp plea[~t»ter. . tben . y.oLtrs. · · Do yQu thinkthat the difcourfe of LeArned mm-·, about Artst· and Sciences, Hifiory and the like, is not more pleafant then your t· ~dle t;z/k_.? Much mote·is th~ holy difcMr{e .of S.tints about the r thing§ of their:.falvation: Whecher do you ,·think the company~ and difcourfe of ChKift, ancl l1is Prophets and Apoftlrs, or ofyour· merry comp111nioHs, fuould be the more delightful ? Can you for> filame fay, that the later were the beft ? Why, you kr.10w that Chrift,and his Prophets and..Aftoflln,h_adnofud~ idle talk._as yours., It was hol}'thi,.gs Lliat they dif-courfed.of. . Can you for fluime fay that you ~Cove God abeve aU, and yet• have more pleafure in pratiQgover a pot of Ale, then inJpeaking . reverently of God ? Or would you be~ belieye~ whe-n you fay,: ~bat y01ar hearts are fet on Heaven, when you have-more de.lighl). · in talkiug of any eartfuly1. trifle ? W.ell ! I Jhall Jeave it to.ymar. <onfciences ,. and to t_he j?dgement of ·any thu ~-ill fpeak with R.eafon, whether the holy converfe and conference of rhe godly f he not in it·fdf a more· Delightf~Jt thin~,then all the merrirnents, the do£a-ges and fool~ries of the ..t_mg:odly. _If you .think ~ot fo* it is becaufe your reltQ.ltandappebt)! ts depraved,-. the Devil bath . delnded you; and fin berea\!,ed you of your wits. . · , . ~· - I have told you ,of the Pleafan-m.e fs c:>f the Duties of Hali-. nefs , which are .to be -performed more diretl:ly towa~d God. Let us now confider of the reil of a Chrifti~tn life : Whtch con.,. fiUeth in our dutie.r -.to be -performed towarJs _men. : And rhefe aJ:e all ~~-fllPf,~h~~~~g !~· !~~ ~~~~~ ~f C~~r#J ~n<i .of --1~· jlf~~~ ' . . - f."'l:, .I -- And .