Part II. ASaint~r"ABrt~te; . 3of_ · 1 . And certainly the wor-ks of Charity are_Delightful. There·. is not a pleafanter work in the world then to do good. Even / proud men find a great delight in theReputationor Name of doing geod : that they may be accounted .the grea~ Be~e(fltlors 6{ t h1 "JP@r!d, t'hat is, to be as earthly gods among tbetr netgfiboun•, and. as tfie Sun is to the -lower world, that all may be below them, and live by their influence. . This is the .toPof chat profperiitJ that finful ambition doth afpire to. And tf the Name of WeN-deingbe fo'pleafant to tl}eProud, the Confcience of rh~ thing it felf fhould 'be more ple~flnt tO,the upright. Open-bounty IS the hypocrites £lo- · ry : But to do good infecret is the helievers pleaf~re ; fo r their Father which feeth in frcret, .fo.,tll rewt-ird them openly : Yea t he very delight of doing good , and-efp~cially a great or publike good, a.fpiritua\ and everlafl:ing good, ts a reward unto it fe lf. It is the fpeech of Chrifi recited by Paul, A us 20.3 5. that it u more ble.ffed togive then to receive. · There are many things concurring that make ii: very Plea[ant – to dogo~d; It proceeds from the power ofLove :and the exe rci fe . of LQveis.Bleafant. And Love makes our Brethren to be to us as our fi:lves, and confequently their welfare is as our own, and re.. jpyceth us :1s if our [elves received , all that they receive. And what abundant pleafure then hath a Believer ? .When fo. many. thoufand of his b'rethren ,.do receive fo -many tlioufand. benefitS– daily from God. 1ii-mfelf : and all thefe are to the Chrifiian, . ·through the union-and power of Love: as if he had received them .all himfelf. But efpecially when he .l;iirnfclf is the infirument of conveyance. .The P?Orhave comfort in r-eceiving. of relief; but nothing in co'mpa_ritqn of his thM gives it , if it be done for the fa~ of Chrift, iri uprighmefs of heart. A. poor manrecei:veth from the giver perhaps but a~ outward fmall commodity : the upright giver rec~iveth from God, !he fenfe o[ his accept:– ance, and peace of confCience , with the prornife of an everlafl:.::. ingrecompence ; .Amite,,or acupQf cold-water, givem toaPro– phet in die name of a Prophet, qr to a Difciple in the Barne of a Difciple, flull _certain'ly be,rewarded.·_, · 1 o. 40 , 41, 42.... ' . . A true .Believe~ is Ce~etous to dogo.Qal ~ as- o~hers are to receive it : and fiudyetfi for opportunities of laying out his gifts and wealth for God, as others fiudy to gather it for themfelves. As a ~qf!9!ing ~udye~~ for a good, tha~ h~ ~ay g_ro~ ~ich; ~ _ ~q 3 tru~.~"- .! ~ '. ·~ · ..__ _,.