Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

' goi r:A S4Jnt ir A Britte. · Part IJ~ · true Believer fludyeth for-opportunities to lay out that he bath for God, and to improve hisMafl:ers fiock to the befi advantage. _The Covetous doth not more long to get more, then Believers do to ne rid of that they have, in the way and on the termS', as may do .mofi goQd, and be befi afl:cepted : And they are even-afraid lell opponunit_ks of doing good·lhould over-flip them, ,and the fced~rime fhould pafs by : ABeliever know·s that as his life and foul, (o his worldly riches, are nowhere fure bmt 1 in the hand of God : And therefore if they can procure his fecuricv, and get . him to receive it,and return it them in Heaven with rh~ promifed advantage, they have then fecured it indeed :-All is loft rhat God hath not, in one way or other: and all is fecured that- he bath, ' and for which we have his-promife. This is laying it up in he4ven, Matth. 6, 2 I. While we f<!ep it, we cannot f~:cure it from thieves: .When we have difpofed of it acwrding to the Will of God, up– om the warrant of his promife, it is then in his Cuftody, and then it is fafe: Neither rufi or moath can then corrupt it, nor the flrongefi thjeves break throt~gh amd ileal. -To be Good, and do Good , is to be likefi unto God; and therefore m~J-!:l needs be the fweetefl: life. · · 2. Works of iufliceaJ[o have their plcafure: Forthey demon– :l1rate tbe JuHi.ce of God himfelf; from whom they do proceed. That which is mofi PleafAnt to God, fhould be moft Ple11[ant unto' m.· .And as be hatb bid us, not forget to dogMdand to communicate,'. becaufe with{uch jMrifice he is well-pleaj'ed, Heb. 13. I6: fo be harh told us chat he delighteth in the exercife of lovint..kJndne{s, judgement, and righteoufr~efs in the earth, Jer. §>. 24. He hath foewed m ""''hat is good: t~nd whnt d(.)th he require of Hs, /Jut tr; do j'uplj; ·~nd love mercy, and walk._ humbly with our God? Mich. 6; 8. And'.therefore he commanderh 1/r.rel, Hof. I 2. 6. [Turn thou tD thj God : ](e~p Me;cJ:jfnd [udgement : and wait lin th) GoJ ~ontinua/iy. J· Pnvate JU:fbce bet~een man and man, and fam!ly– -jufiice between parents and chJld~en, maflers and fervants, an_d Political jufiice between the Magtfl:rates and rhe people.' doaH -maintain the order of theworld, and procure boch· ·pt~bltke and private peace. It is feliHhnefs~nd injufiice, tyranni_e, ~pprdlion, difobed1ence and rebellion, that procure the m1fenes of the world : But Righteoufnefs is fafe and fweer. 2. You have h~ard of the Pleafure of HolJ AElions, both In– -ttrnfll and Extefn;~/ : The truth is evident a1fo from the OiJCa' · -- - --- • - - --- ----- ·~-- -- - - : of i .