Part Il. ~r aBrutt;· 3 of rh~{e A as: and the matter from which, a believer may d.erive his Pleafurts. And 0 what an Ocean of delight is here before os ! Were otJr powers, capacities and acts but anfwerable to the ObjrEls, we .fhould prefently have the Joyes_of heaven. . . I. A Believer bath rhe ever bleJ{ed God IMnfelf ·to der~ve hts comforts from. He bath his N•nure and-Attributes to be hts corn- ~ fort : He bath his near Relations to affdtd him comfort ; and this is more then to have aB the world. .-It is a God of Infinite Power, and Wifdoin, and Goodnefs, that we believe in, tl~at we Love, and Worfhip, and Obey. lt is alfo a Father ReconCiled to us, that bath taken us in Covenanc to him as his people, through JefusChrifi. And where fhall we find comfort if not in God ? It is in vain to look for that from any creature; that is not to .be found in him. Poor worldlings! you have nothing that is worth the havipg, but the crumms that fall from the childrens· table. God is our Purtion,and the world is yours: and yet you have Jefs even in this world then we. You have the fuadow, and we : have the fubHance: You qave the !hell, and we the kernel! :You have the fl:raw ;tnd chaff, and true believers have the corn: Your - · comforts are· fha'k~n wirh every fiorm; and roH up-and downby · the J uflice of God, or the Pride of man : But God that is OtJr . Portion is um:bangeable : Yeflcrday, to day, and the f:tmc .. for : ever : We have a Ki'ngdvm tht~tt cannot be moved, Hebl 12. l.S. ' J:erfecutors cannot take our God fromus , nor can any thing fe- . parate us from his·Love, Rom. 8. 36. T~ey may feparace us ·from our houfes, from-our Countries, from our friends, from our. riches, our liberties, our lives, from omBook~, our·company and Ordinances, but not from God, who is our great Delighr. poverty, in perfecution, in ficknefs, and ::1t death, we ·have our interefl: in God: A Chriflian is·rrever in fo low a.fiate J.d'!:'fml,l:~ hath a God to whom he may go for co.mfort,·who is more then your fweetefl: pleafures. Is It not a pleafure · to have · · a-~ God as can cure all difeafe:s;fupply all wants, overcome ·all ene- .mics, deliver in all dangers, and bath promifed that he will -do it · fo far as is for o~r good ! If he want water that bath the Se:!!, or .. l1e want land thJt hathall the earth ; ··or he 'want light that bath :., the Sun, yetdoth he not need to want delight 'that bath the Lord · ., to be his God, if he do but keep in the pathes of grace•. And are . · you yet unrcfolved , whether Godlinefs be the mofi Pleafant. Lif~ ~ Iake a!~ yot}r ple~fures3 and.make yo~1r bcft of them, may-:··>- - E~ -~