·-:3-:4 _· _ ;t·s~ini8r4BrNte? . . ·Part · rr~ I ·but have the Lora tobe my God, and I hope I fhidl never defire to chauge with you. ' 2. A Holy life is therefore Pleaf~nt, be-eaufe we have a full {ufficient SP~viour, from whom we may daily fetch delight. The _ Eternal Son of God is become the Healer of our wounds , our Peace-mak~r wifh the Father' , the Conquerour of our enemies the Ranfom for our fins~ the Captain of oar falvarion the Head o! his Ch~n:h, and the Treafure ofall our Hppes a~d }oyes ! Smand rntfery are the works of Satan , which Chril'l: came int-o . the world to defiroy. If Hypocrites can fieal a little Peace to their Confciences, _fr<:>ma falfe conceit t~at they have apart in Chrift, wha~ comfort may it be to the true Believer, that bath a. fure an:d real imerefi in him ! That is the fad and miferable life,' when you are out of Chrifl:, and ilrangers to his Covenant, and cannot fay his benefits are yours , but yoy are yet in _ your fins, without his righteoufnefs : But wh~we havea fpecial intere£1: in him, the foundation of our cverlafl:ing joy i-s laid, a~d the heart of fin and mifery is broken : What fear or forrow can you name, that I may not fetch a fafficiem remedy .againfi from Chritl:? What can the Prince of darknefs fay to our difcomforr,. - which we may not anfwer by Arguments from Chrifl: ? By this judge of the Comfort of a Holy life. If the Godly over-l9ok the Grounds of Joy, that are laid in Chrifi, and live in a mifiaken forrow, that Is not for want of Reafons and w-ar-rant to rejoyce , hut for want of a right difcerning of thofe Reafons. But w,hat have you that are ungod-ly, toanfwer againfi all the terrours of the Law? or to anfwer againfl: all the aHnfations of your con– fciences? or eo comfort y01:1 againfi the remembrance of your approaching mifery? Whi'Ieyou have.no part in Chrifi, you have no right to comfort. One thought of Carifi: to abelievingfoul~ may afford more Delight then ever you will find in a finful Jife. · 3. Moret>ver, we have the Holy f}irit of. Chrifl, th01t is pur-· pofely given l:lS to be owr Comforter ; .And tf that be noc .a~leafam life that is.mamiged by fHch a Gmde,_ a.nd th~t ~e not l!kell to be a joyful foul, that is poffeU by the Spmt of JOY 1t fel.f, ther.e is no joy then onearth to beexpeded. Hath God pro~tfe~ hts Sp irit to comfortyou that are wit·~ed in your fin ? No, tt tHh,e malicious deceiving fpiriE that lS p~r C?rr:forter : tha.t by hJs comforcs he might keep you from iohd 1 fptnttla!~everlafhng corn- , forts~ - '