Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

S'PI· . A S41nt. ·e; ii Bn#t~ Part I11.' the pardon of all oUt' fins , and promifcs of heaven it fdf ; and what can we have more ! we have promifes fuited to every fiate, both profperi.ty and adverfity. What do we need which we have not a promife·of ?- And the word. of God is no deceit. What but a promife cran eomfort them rha~ 'are fhort of the pofidfton ? May I no-t have more joy in fick._nef.t 'With apro~ife, then theungodly without Apromife, in their he~tlti'J! , ~promi{e mprif~n fets aman as a.r liberty ! A promife in Pove!t} ts more then rfcbe:r . A promife at de~tth 1s better then ltfe. Whatl have apr~;~mife of, I may. be fure of : bl:lt what you pof– fefs without a<promife, you may lofe ( :and your fouls and hopes wjth it) this night. There is no condition on earth fo hard to a man that har.h interefi in the prornifcs, in which he may not have plentifnlrelief. We live by faith, and not by /mfe; And we reckon more on that as ours, which we'r, tben which we do prtjf'ef!._ We are fore rhat there is no true felicity on earrh ; If then we. have apromife of Heaven, when Infidels lia down in th~ dull wiEh defpcration, h~ve we nota morecomforta: ble life then they? · · S· Moreover we have Heaven it felf to f~t~h our comfort from. ~ot Heavm in ftght, or in P()f{ejfion; btit HfAVert ia Pr-Dmife, and fcen by faith . And if HeAven will not afford us p_lea.fure, when'e fhall we expcd:· it ? Even fenfual~ men. can re-: joyce as well ill what they fee not 1 if they.are a.Jfured it is tluiu~ ~~in what they fie :.·And why then may not Believers- do fo muchmore,.? ·Aworldling wl1cn h~. {eeth ·not ,his money in his chdt, or at ufe; or his lands ami cattel that are far from him, c~u} yet r~joyce in them, as-. if be fa'!' them : And thould not we rejoyce in the certain Hop~s ofHcave.A tho1:1gh yet we fee,it not ~when I am pained in ficknefs, and role in refl:lefs wearinefs of my fiefh, if then J. .can fay [I foalt. be in Heaven,] may it not be the inward rejoycing of my foul? Tsu know where you Are, but you khow not wh~re you /ha!J he. . The Beli!ver knowech where he foal/ be, as trul] as ~e knoweth. where be is ( unlefs– it be one that by his frailty bath not rca<£htunto t~/rtrana~; who– yet hath:reached unto Hop-e.) What great matte~'- is·it if [ lay· in greatefi pain, it I can fa.y [I fo~tU have tverld_[fing ' ettfe in• Hea-ven.] Or ifi· Jay in prifon, or in fordid poverty, and can fay• [ Jfoallfoortl]/Je withChrift.] Or if I had lofl: the iove of all men, and cQutd fay .[that 1fodeverl4fling!J ettjBJ the Lofle (jf {Jad !] - ·Moil-·