Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. Part It.· r.t4 S4ihl ~ ii Brtllt~ S07 Mofl: of yotlr comforts do come i11 bY, the way of ·yoer -thoughu. And what Thought.r fhould fo rejoyce the foul dS the thoughts of o.ur abode with Chrifi for ever? ·If a. day in the 'Courts ofGod be fo ~delightful, what is ten thoafand millions of ages in the Court of Glory? and all then as frefh as at the firft: day? There it is that our fin will be put off: Our carnal enmity laid by : o~r temptations will be ovt!r : our enemies will aU have done : oar fears and forrows will be at an end; Our defires will be accornplilhed :Our differences be recon£iled : Our eha· rity perfected, and our expedar.ions ful·ly facisfied, and Hope -turned in to full fruition. 0 may I but be able with ,fl:ronger faith, and fuller confidence to fay [that Heaven u mine, and when this tabernacle u diJJ~!ved, I fhallln With Chrift, J my life and my death will be delightful, and I need not complain for want of pleafure. [et who will take the pleafures of the fiefh., ma,yI but have this. . In prayer, in meditation, in holy confe– rence, inevery duty, it is theexptH.9:ation ofapproaching bleffed– ncfs that drops in fweetnefs into all . · No wonder if it can fweete"' a courfe of duty, when it can make light the greatefi fufferingi;-and rurn ·pain into pleafure, and death into life, as being nnworthy to 'be, compared to the glo·ry whi~h jluz/1 IPe re:. vea/ed. · Btu the wic~edhave n9neof thefe delights, unlefs they fte~l a little by /elf-deceit: They may make their befl: of their prefcnt, pleafures, and of the cup while it is at their mouths, and of their wealthand honoHr while it is in their hands : but its little pleafurc that they can fetch from Heaven! The thought of it may rarher feed their terrours. What pleafure they can pick out of thG dirt, let them make their befl: of : But he11.venly pieafur·es arc above their reach. So much for the objeEls of aBoly life, from whence aBeliever may f~rch his pleafure. . ' Object. Empu tell us only6f tbe Pleafant part; hut t-he troll~ Uefome and bitter you [ay nothing ()f. Anfw.. Come on, ~nd fay your wod.l: of a Holy life, and tell us wht~h IS that bitter part. . . Ohjed. I. Thefcripture requirtth HJ to mcrtifie the Jlefo, te renounce the Wcrld, to.forbe(lr our P/ea[ures, to deny om-fr/ves, AUd to t~rk.f up our Crofs llndfollow Chrift; andwillysu c;z/1 thMa.pleA-_ [#tnt life .£ · ·- - !\.~ ~