3:o8 ~· Sd1nt ·or A Brute;_ Part II.' Anf~-'· And do you indeed think this fo fad a bufinefs ? Here,· are three things contained in this· objection, as the matter tl.r!Zit feet.nech fo dif~leafing to you.. I:- The parting with your jin 1• 2. The fuifm!'gs that are pnnctpally for fin. 3. The(lljferings that are pnnctpally for the cau[e cf Chrift. I. And do you think that fin is fo lovely a thing tbat a man cannor live merrilywithout it? fin is the breach of the Laws of Go.d, and the inhuyof the Hctlver~ly MajeHy, .. and-the provo- – catiOn of his hot difpleafure, and the poifon and ficknefs of tbe foul •. And is it yourJPort to ab1t{e the Lord l' Is your pleaji1re gone, tf you may not injure the God that made you ? What na– tures, what finful hearts.have )OU, that muH have fuchpleafures? · Cannot a m:m live merrilJ-unlefs he may .provoke the God of Heaven, and trample upon mercy and defpife falvation! Can you not L;ve in pleafure, unlefs you may drink._ poy[on, or keep your .fic/tnejJ, or rumble in the dirt! One would think that mif~ chief to our felves or others {hould be fmall pleafure to an boneJF m~nd. Its no plea[ure m JOU to fpit in the face of your deareil fnends, or to abufe your parents, or to provoke yowr neigh-– bours; and is i-t fucb plcafure as you co~mnot for/llks, to a6ufe the L:ora, and wrong your fouls l' The plea{urn of fin do tend to pain : [ome p~1in doth ufually attend i-t here , and much more -hereafter : God would prevent -your paiu and mifery, by preventing or deflroying yotnr fin : And do you accufe his word becaufe it would keep you from fo cofily, fo bitter, fo dangerous , delights!" It is foryot-tr· Plevzfur.e, thH thu pleafure is forbidden · you. The Jw.eeenefs of the poyfon of fin :Will be foon gone, ·when the gripings of the rormented Confnence do remain • . You will forbear the rnofl: delightful fruits or drink!, if your Phyficion tell you they will haz:z.ard your_ life., or torment you afterward •. Touare fuort·Gghted, ~nd iliorc-wiued, and look but to the prefcnt relijh of things, and choofe them if you rafte them fwut , · but God looks to your everl>ljling ple11.furn• . !lo · that you may well reckon it among the pleafures of a holy life, that you have fuch prefervati-vu againfL the gre~~teft forroWs : – and that you are kepc from the plea/ uro that wJll be hitttrnefs in ~ the Lltter end. • Yeaat ehe prefent bath not drunkf_nn~fs_more tror-tUe attending.' 1t then fobriety! -Reckon up the confummg ~f mc~s eftates, the · troubles of the~r families the fic~rujfes of . th~1r bQd;ts, the foame · ·· · - · .. ' · ·· ·- · and t . . y