Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part 11~ and contempt that it bringeth On the~ he-N, and the wounds Ot their confcience.r, ancl tell me wh~ther It were not more pleafure toforbear.·thofe cups . then t? drmk them. And bath no~ Glut– tony more trouble attending 1t then temperance ! By thtlt time the charge be paid, the {ick._nefs that ft-J!ncfs breedeth be endured, . the phyficirm paid , and all the eff~tts. of gluttony -e.vercorne, you will find that ' the plea/ure was lttr\e to the pam. The hke I may fay of V,nc/ePlrmcfs , wo_rldlinefs , PPEffi on , pri~e ~ and all other fins that ufually brmg a punlihrnent With , them. 2.And then for Caftigatory fujferings, it is not Gedlinefsthat is · thecaufeofthcm (as ·fuffenngs . .) Sinlefs,and(ujfer lefs. Pro– voke not God, ancl he will fpare the rod. Do you ~ldr~ your · f,/vnlike cardefs children, and then bla'fNe God .for bidding you, , [ T ak_.e Jmd ? J God 6loth not puniili men for B.olinefs, and , well doing. . le is for wvmt of Holinefs thar you are pun iilied. I think therefore that it is part of the Plrlljure of a Holy lifr, . that it keeps men out of the way of punifoment. . You muft have · IJflin, and unpl~afant phyfick, when once yeu bav~ taken a fur- ·· fet of fenfual d.elight, and made your felve~ fick wtth too mlilch · of the creature. Holinefs wm;Jld have pre'Vented this : And when thats tfJo late, it would cure it by the crheapdl means that · your health will bear. . Js it not then unreafonable when you · ~ave troubled ;our felves,to blame your phyficion for troublingyoH t m order to a cure.~ 3.And for thole fufferings that are principall] forChrift, confi- · der, 1 . That they are (jriginaUy frum jin, ancl thercfor~ you ·may know what to blame for the biner parr. Though the · Time, and place, and manner and meafure of yot;Jr fufferings may · ~roceed from the gracious providence of your Lord ; yet that · Juppofeth that fi~1 had b~ougbt you into a ft.-zte ef jMjftring in , gener~lbefore; which ChnH did not prdentlyand plenarily remit and take ?tf, but difpofef·h of them by his wifdom, as may make · ~o!l:.for hts Gl0ry and your good. 2. And will you grudge at~ , It.ttle tranfi.tory pa_in) t~at is ufually requited with comforts in thu . life, and rewarded With pleafures un(pudzablc hereafter ! .You grNdge not to cafl away your feed in hope of an incrrafe at bar"efr ;-,nor do you murmur at your daily labour if it be hue ~leffed wtth fuccefs. And will you grudge to pafs through fuffer- – u~gs to glory~ Sl~~ ~~ f~~ i~ tears that you may reap in joy? _I~ is ~ ~C! 3.} !;IU~ -