Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part II. ':A S,cint ,,. 4Brute;· 3r r· . :find how fweet athingit is:; being jufiificd by faith~ to havepeace 'With God.· · 2. Weare in·CQ'Venant'With Jefus ChriJ ~ who inte:c~deth for ou-r pta&e with GoJ. And the Father al~ayes heareth hts mtercef– fion, rohn I I. 42. And therefore that meafurc of comfort which beJeeth fuitablc to our prefent flare, we fhall be fure of. Who . foal/'co1JJ.emn m? -when it is Chr.ift th~tt dyed,yta rather that is rifen · ag~tin, who u evenat the right h~t.nJ of G~, who alfo mPik!th inter– ceffionfor us, Rom. 8. 34· VVe have A t.reat high-Priejfthat upa.lfed int6 the hutvens, even (efus the Son of God; one that iJ teuched'111ith the feeling of our infirmities, 1md :WIU in all points .tempted /ik._.e 114 'We 11re, but withOHt fin; and therefore through htm we may come boldly to the throne of GrA-ce,. that we mtty obtain mercy, and find graee to help in time ef med. J Heb. 4· I 4, I~ , I 6. What corn~ toning words bath he fpoken to us in the Gofpel? an <:I what corn-· forrable relations bath he put us into? He calleth us his friends, if we do his Commandments, as·if fervanes were too low a title , rohn I 5. 14, Is. Peace he /e.aveth with NS: hi!J Pt~~te he giveth t9 ns ; not IU the -world givetb: commanding UJ thllt we let t~ot our hearts be troHhledor afr.eid, Job. 14. 27. To thofe that Love him , he bath prornifed his Fathers Love, a.nd that they will come ttJ him, andmll~etheir ~thode withhim. John I 4· 23. If ~tny m~tnferve hi~n, let him follo-w him ; a,.u:l where Chrijf is, there fhall his flrva13t be; if anymanferveChrift, himwilltheFather honour, John , 1.2. 26. . 3_-~ That we might have fure Confol:ttion , .theSpirit,of. Chrift: IS gtven to be our Co11Jforter: and we are in-Covenant withhim al~ f•, who furely will perform his Covenants. ~· The fenants of Chrifl have his hoiJ image, the m~trk,. of his ch,ldren, which is the in-dwelling Evidence of his Love, to ltffare " them·of dieirhappi-nefs~ s~ .They h_ave manifo-ld e.'t:perieneeof the kindnefs of· their Fot.;, thcr, t~ he~nng thei~ prayers, and helping :'them,in their {lraits ; . and del!venng themm their difireffes. . - 6. Theyhavealfothehelp ofth~ Experience of othirs, even .of all the~odly with whom they do com'erfe, who can colii ... fort themwith their comforts; and tell them how good they have found the Lord • .7· They have thl Mini/lers of Chri/1 appointed by office to be of their Faith and rtJ: tQ b~ the me.f{t19gtrs of tiding~ ,