'~3l 'i A S4int Cr4'Brllte: · Part rr; tidi:'zs to them, and ro tell them fr.om God of the pardon of thetr fins, and of his favour to them in Chrifi : and to heal the broken-hearted, and pre.ach deliverance to the captives and recovering of fight to the blind , to fet ;tt liberty them tha~ are bruifed, &c. Luk.§ 4-. 18. To have a deputed Officer of Chriil to .~tbfolve the penitent, and deliver t-hem pardon in the r:Mme of Chrift and to pray for them, an~ dire~ them, and refolve their doubrs: and fuew them the promifes that may fupport them, and help to pr~fligate their temptations, mufi needs be much to the comfort of believers : As the care of a father is the comfort of the child ; ancl the care of th~ Phyficion is a comfort to the fick. 8. They h:ave all the OrdinMtces fuited to their comfort: the Word read, preached. and meditated on : the Sacraments and the publike praifes of God, and Communion of the Saints (of which before.) 9· They have multitudes of Mer(iei frill about them, and every day renewed on them, to feed their comforts. . 10. They haveapromife that all things jh.JJ!t work_ together fer theirgood; and fo that all their ajfiiCliMs themfel-ves (ball be their commodities, and death it[elf !hall be their gain, Rom.8. 28. Phi!. I. 21. and all their enemies f.hall be fubd1:1cd by Cbrifi the Prince of their falvation. So tbat from this much yoB _may fee, that for 1ey and Pleafure, there is no life that bath the advantages that a holy life hath. As for the u'ngodly, theyare not fo; but are lik_e the chaff which the wind driveth away, pfalm r. 4. Tbefepleafures grow not in their wic-: ked way, nor do fuch ftran,gers ~nowBelievers joyes. II I. LAilly, I !hould alfo have f.hewed you the Pleafure of . Holinefs by the Ejfcas: But here alfo to avoid prolixity, I will bnt name a few. . l. Holine{s is Pleajing to God himfelf.; and ~h~refo~e it mu!l.i needs be pleaft~tnt w the Saintsthat have 1t : For 1t 1s thetr endand "chiefefi Pleafure to pleafe God. They know ch~t this is the end for which they were Created , Redeemed, a~d re~ewed : and therefore that is the mort Pleafvmt life to them,m whtch they find that God is beft Pleafed. And theref.ore they l..zbour, that whether P,re[~YJ.~ ~~~Jbf~'!~l ~hey may~~ ~c~ept~4 of ~t"h ~ c~r~ 5. 9· :rhae~ ' .· -- -~ '· ' .·