Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

.Part II.' · A 'SaJnt iJr ~·Brute: 3 I j are 11 n holy Prieft· hood, to,up ffiirifu~~ j11criflee~. ac~eptaiPlc ~Q -Godby?efm-Chrifo,I ·Pet.2. ' ). ·, ··· -- _. 1 •• _ 2. Holine[J muil needs be p_teafant to the,foul, becaufe tt ts the hudth of the fou_l, and the m~ans and cert~jn evi4e1!..ce ~f its fafery. And Health ls a COJ?ihnt fenfible d·ehght : And to k_new that our fouls have fettpt the danger ~f the wrarh of Go4-, and -evedafl:ing mifery, muft needs be a~gre~rer ·Pl~afurec'hen any the mtfl.tters of this world can afford. OrH!'fetiou~ th0ug11t ·of the -falvacion, which Holinefs is the earnell oF; may give that tr1:1e .contentment to the foul , that aU the wealth and gtory· of the -world can never give. :3. H~linefs removeth fears and: troubles,. ·aRd therefore mu£1 needs be a Pleajllnt {late. It rernoveth the. fears Of the wrath of -God, and of damnation : 'and the fears of-all cleflru&ive evils~ It. tencls to heal the wounded foul, and pacific the clamorous :confcience' and abate all worldly and groundlefs forrows ; fo~ which the wicked.have no·true cure, :.. 4· 'Holin.efs. is tl!edeflruElion of fin: and Gn i~ the caufe of "all calamities : and therefore Holinefs:: mull needs be Plea· fant. ,: : ... - 5. Holine(s doth cenfij} in rejoyci·ng (i-r-ttces, that are exceeding .pleafant in the excrcife; as Faith, Hope, Love, Patience, &c. yea ic.confifieth in Joy it felf, Rom. I 4. I 7'· - . ·i•. 6. It fits the foul for -Communion with God, who is the foun: ,ta:in of Delights; and ·it brings us ' neat- him~ - and ·~cquaiqts us with him as a God of Love : and Eheref<;>re mu£1: needs be a Plea– fant ftate. . ·> - - 7· You fee by experience, thatwhenoncemen have tryed a Holy ~ife, they think they ca,n neve·r'~av}1 tnGugh of it: Themore Holy they _are; the more Holy -theywo~ld b~~ He that bathmof!, would fam have more : And the wea·kefi defireth 'x:-10 lefs then to beperfetl. And do you think men that have tryed it, would fo Jong :~fc_er more andmore, if it were not p/eaFmt ? · J odge a!fo by the labo~t~ · and diligen-ce•o( chq~o-dly , who·fee~ ftrft the Kingdom of God' and his right€o~tfnef.t, 1 etnd mak,e it the prin6pal bul.inefs 9f their lives : Won'ld ·· they bake'' all· this ado for nothing ? ())r for that which .is a matter~ of no de– light 1 , . . ·"' , .. Judgealfo by the d~/ightswhich theyvo.luntarily forfa'kJ, when !~~y !~~ ~~ ~1! ~~~~ g~f~l pl~~fures·~;~;.d- ~~!!~~!1~~ ~1! t~e glor~;: ·