Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

~t .df. ':tt-SaJnt ~r 4BrNft; · ·. P~rt Ir:,_ the world ·; would they make this exchange : if they had not found amore pleafant emufe , an.d that.. which tends .to e.verlafl:,. . mgpleafure.? ~. You fee alfo thattlie truly Goclly ·, .when once they have tryed aholy life, .will never go .back, again to their f!Jrrmr ple~~.[~tres, but loath the v~1~y reml':_rnhrancc of them : le is not all the ho.nours , .and rid~es-,, and pleafures in the wodd, that can hire ,thet;q to forfa~e aholy., life .. Sure;therefore they ·:find it the moft .pleafantcou rfe ; ,if .n9tin fenfible d.elights,.yet at leafi in ~afing their confciencfs, andfecuring their minds from the ter.rours that fi nful pleafures .would produce, If they found that Godlinefs an– fwered not their expectation, . they have kifure"" enough , and temptations -too many,_, t<? turn back into the ·fiate from 'whence they came, . Bu.t how.w()uld,they abhorr fuch a. motion as this ? · 9. Jf Holinefs:were not aPleafant thing, .it could not help us– to bear .np under alla:ffiietions, nor makem rejoyce in tribulati., . on,as it doth,, That which can fweeten gall and worrnwood,rnufl: peeds b:e v·ery fwee-t it felf. That~ which canmak~ reproach, and fcorn, and poverty, and imprifonment, either fweet'or tolerable~ is~ fure it felf a pleafant thing. · · - I a.. Lafily, .if Holinefs were not pleafant, it could not make Death it felffo eafie, nor take off 'its· terroRrs ~ nor caufe the Martyrs to faffer fo joyfully for ChrHl : Death is the King of terrours, and fo bitter acup 1 that itmail l}teds be apJ~afant thing . iodeed, that can fweften it•.. . I - •) B£fid~s till th.f~ ~h~t h~th been faid, let me briefly _have (otrte general aggr~~~t~on.i; of the Delights r;f Holinefs . And corn-:· pare it as we go witn the Delightsof the ungodly. .. , · i. The Delights of Holine[s are the meft Grellt, and (ilarir;m; . di.Pd Sublime delights. They are fet£ht from the mofi Great and Gloriom things. Jt is God, andJlis Grllcc,-an.d·everlajfi.'.lg.glorJ that f~ea our plea.fures.· Wb.~·reas- the l).e/ighuoffenfual '!le'#~- arc fed· .'htri#.e.s.~·: l(Wha~. a9.they rejoyc~; ~n llut thefoeler!e~of. fin,.and the fib:hynefs.of their own traqfgreffions ! What that con- · tenteth them, .,but a dream of honour, or the~ood wtll and word ~f.mortal men, Or a brutifh fpGrtfu}ne{fe, ' Or the p!eafingof the i~ch ofJ~'fi3 pr~he P!~Yi~o~ t~at they, ~ave.laidup fo~ t~~ fie~~: