ilartll.' . .'A SAJiil~r 4Briit~·~ jt> The rreafures of aKingdom excell not' the 'treafureoF-·a childs pin-bo-x the thoufandth part fo much as Hea·veF! e'xcells the trea– fure of the ungodly. Judge· theref?re by the m11tter tha.t feedi .their pleafure, which of the two ts the mo~e pleafa~t hfe : .to fport in their own ihan:e; ~nd l:1ugh at.the brmk of·m,t'.ery, Wtth .the ungodly ; or to deltgbt 01ar felves 111 tl~e -L~ve of G~d , and :rejoyce in the · affured hope of ·, GleirY: wath . the true be: liever ? · . · ~ · • , 2 . Tbe Delights of Hvlim[1 are the mojl ratipnal, wefl-groun.d– :ra, (ure delight!. They are not ·-delufory, nor grounded on mtf– takes or f?ncies. They ~re warranted by the·truth and Al~.-[1tjfi· •CieHCJ oJ qeJ, and the eert;Jint) of his pr?'mife.;~ a?~' £~e, immut~: ~ility of h1s counfels ~ and the {u't'_e' Rew~rd 'Prepa~e.d fo~ b~~ 'Saints. None but a lying malicious Devil, or hisinHru'tt_!~n_t~ rh~t :participate of his nature, or a blind, corrupted, pa~tiafileili, will -ever go about to que!tion the found~tions of our' faith andco.m~ forts. The hopes and wmforts that are built'~,pon this Roc~,wll! :never fall, nor make ~s ·a:fh~n'!ed. . · · .· . ,·: '~_.1: ; •. :. ·' . But the ungodly rCJOyce tn . thctr own a,eha!fions ·: It lS Ign_o– ·rance and errour that they are beholden ro.for rhet r mi·rch~They :laugh in their fleep, or as mad men in fheirdifl:rad:ion . Did they know that Satan rejoyceth in their joyes ;. and t,hat _ a~ offended God is a\wayc:s .prefent.andhow poor a 'matter i't is that they re joyet in, it wonld-marr their .mirth~ 1 ,if theyfaw the Hell that they are near , or well-confidered wl1ere tfiey {fand, and what-a cafe their fouls are in, they -would have litdd(Lh o:play or laugh. If they knew aright the fhortnefs of th~;irpleafures. and the length of their for;rows ' and in what la dt>1c~fu l cafe cth'eir wealth and flelhly delights will leave them , it-·woutd· tur..o tl1.eit -laughter into mourning and lament~t-i{!n. ·so tha~ Th~y .rejo'yce ·but (as a fick man i,!l a phrenfie ; or as a fool qpc;m fome .good news to him that i~ falfe;) upon mcer miflak.f. · 3. T~e Delights of HoliJGefs are~he mQft.jur~ ;!!Jcli,[ht/ 1 ~ n·~ mof!: enttre and c.omp.leat . There,is)no Evil irr·it'.l tnixcdwi~ h th'e GiOod, ar;d tl1erfore·nothing -co-inrernapP!fie jo'/ ; :·Our r1oy~i i'n:. -deed ~r~ too mlilch i?terrupted ': but t.h_it ~~ _no~ .from any hur·~ that ts m a holJ life _; but by the r;ontrary{t1~ , which .Hotinefs mufi. work out. If men take poyfon·, ~ iq tl:ie-m ,':o·r bhrme narure that firiv'Qs· ag~iinfi it, iL~tbeyare !i'ck ;,bm-r& (h~h blame-:rhem:: fd~es; and the poyfon, (hat puts·naturi t o.dpeiHt. In Holimft :. .. Sf :z it