~t6: . ~-stth;j ~;"A Brui't;. . Part 112. .it felf. there is, -~.othing but Good , . and therefore nothing that. fhould .gr~e\'e us. " ·. . · . . , · . · _ .·. •.: But it is far otherwife v•:th fehfual delig~rs· : As they are\ flnful, they ar.e wholly ev)l:: As they arenatur'lll, feecding upon; t~e cr~ature alone, they area~ it is, .a mixture o( ~.mitJ . and. 'I cxt~t1ov.. .Ev~ry creatureha~h ·lts·t:mfmtablenefs and Imperfecti-: o~, ~y wh1ch l~1djJI ur~e~h ~vep where it pleafeth; .and :troublet/ 1 .. y;her~ it comfortctb, andfrf1.jfr~teth and difappointetb more then ~t /tttufieth.. The -~ore we.Lo7;tdt;ufually the more we fuffer hy 1t. , That thmg whiCh we mofi e'xcelfivelJ love, is ordin<mly our, foarpej}-fco1};rge. !ha~ fr~e..nd whom we moH exctffivef] /()ve , is , pfua!ly.eu~g':~~~~ft forro;}17· : either by their f~ifing ourexpea~~ tip?ti, )or by.Offrfailint; t.h;frs~,. or our infuffic.iency to.-a·ccomplifh the good .which we · d~Gre of ,them:If they pn>ve unk.}nd, it.ii morc, g~ier.ous then the un~indn~fs of 'many others : . If they provefa;thful , .how deeply do we f~ffer· with them in all their ~41fe.rir:-g~ .?. .Tkelr :r.y~nts -: do ·pin~h as .as our· own : Their re-: proaches are Otlr ·!hame : Their ·. lofts _t-a~e as much from us :: Their fickn(f~;Pjl1nech us_ 7 ; . ,Their d.e~ th fua!f killet9 us : And·he tha-t is fo happy,as to have manyfu~h friends , . is fo tmh~tppy as to bave more burdens, fears and griefs ro fu.ffer, and ·more deaths to die then, oth~r men. Bpt efpccially to ungodly mm, thefe earth~ ly comforts ar~ unc<fpforta·b!e., -becaufe. they . b.ave ri.one of the bi·vine:deligh;s tha~ale the,k_.:rnel . aQd (he ffijrits, b.ut take up , with the jhdJ or h~k..: And becaufe their mirth i_s mixt with their own 1 mif~,ry, which confcience fometi·me gripes them for · with fuch deep remorfe as cools their comforts ·: And fome thoughts of the'fhortneff o~ t~eir plea(~u:es;wil! be fieppihg in, and ending them ~eforethetr tm"~.t;- ;;So that ,d;e}~tttrnefs of 'WorhiiJ · 1hing.r ferpdfeth the delighr.~sJ. _ .· · ~ , . 4• The DelightHf Ho!ine{s areDeep ttnd s~tid, . :md therefore · do ftablifo·ana corro.borate. the Hearts~ Bm fenfual deligh:s ~re like childrens lq.t~gh~~r: they ~:~e.Jlight, ~n:d ontjidrt .~af.ld fl•ttzng , aQcl ,vain: As (hildi:'tjp,l~ugp in. ~.n~ b.r:~arb,~n~ nyin the nex_r; 1_<i> worldly joys arefo\l<?~ed ,a~ tpe heel~ ;by f?r:~Qws~; For they .l1e not deep, and,fortifie nonhe heart ag_amfi .Adlte!fes, as the de--: · lights of faith and holinefs do. . . . .. · ' 1·. The P,/cPZjm·es of the S,ainnue.rhe,gift of God; .and,allow_• – ,dof by him; c9mmanded: by his wor~,. ~.ad' ~ro:nQt(d-. by _hts · Pf~~~[~~ -~~~ ~l~!.~~~s, ~n.~ ~f~ . b~~ .~be .i f!'._m~·i 5>~ : b1s Ey.ert~~·~ :