Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part 11:. ~ Sahji if ts 'Brii.fe~ Love : And being . fo Di'fline, they muil: needs be excel·. lent. Eutthe Pleafuresof ungr;dly worldly men are partly forhidde,j and conden\oed by God, and partly contr-adiUed .and conf{)unded, by his terrible threatnings, and ·the difcovery of his wrath. 'Thereuno Peace faith the Lord,to the wickfd, Ifa. 48.22. & 57.2 r. God doth difown and protefi againfi their peace. If they,will keep. it, and make ir good, it mui1: be againH: his will. He for– biddeth joy Eo a reb.dlious people, Hof. 9· t. Rejoyce not 0 I/racl· for joy M other people: for thoa haft gone a -whoring from thy Ged. He callech them to weepinj, and meurning, anei ren.ting of the heart; . Joel. 2. r2, r 3. Hear what God faith to them in ·their greateft · pJeafurei,]am.). r.,2,3 -,4~ )• Go to now·ye rich men, Weep#lnd howle for your miferies that fhall come upm you: Tr;ur riches are · forrupted andyo1~rgsrments meath-e~tten: Your geldand {Jlver iJ · cankfed, and the r11.ft of them fha/J lie a witnefs agaiYJft you, and fhJZ!l eateJOHr~efh M it were fire : yee have heaped trea{ttre togt- – ther for the !aft days:-- Tee have lived in ple6Z/14re on nzrth, , andbeen wanton: Tee h,we neuri.fhtd your hearts M ·' in a day !Jf flaHghter- J A. man would think it ihould either Turn them~ or Torment thtm, and fill their hearts with contimi!al horrour, tO · find God thus folcmnly protefiing againfl: their peace; and fen-:-. tencing them to woe and-for rows. . . · , · 6, The Ple4ures pf th~ Godly ar.e .clum r:.nd- noble·, and honejl · endhonourable . . Th~y de\igbc in th.ings .ofgreat~fi worth, for · which they had their Natures, .tqeir Time and all. But the ·Pleafures of finners are bafe ;md filthy .: They Delight as fwine · in wallowing in the mire: and a, the dog to eac ·his own Vomit; . ,2~ Pa 2. 22. Theydelight to wrong the -God that mad'e them, . andby whom th~y live, and to crofs the ends of their lives and . rnerci~s; and to drive away all true delights, and to undo ·them• felves. This is the matter oftheirdelighr. ~ . 7. The Devil u a great -enemy to the Delights of Holinefs :' ·, which i.~ a .fign th~t they are excellent. · Hedothwhat he can t~ · ~k~ep men from the .Holy State, left: they fhould meet with the H~tppinefs tharattendsH. An-Giif heprev.ailnotin thuhis chief ,defign, he cloth what he c:an to fill up the ltves of_ believers with calamities. . All the -enemies th:;lt he q.n raife np againfi them, . .fhall by temp~ations, fcorns or injuries, affault their cornforrs . . ~1~ _t~~ fior.rn~ ~h~~ h~ c~n raife 1h41fll be f~~-~ ~o. fall upQn them: . S. 3 ~ . HoW l . ~ ~ - ~