Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

P~rt I I.' r.A Salnt ~r aBrute; 3t9 [ferving divers !ujlf andpleafules] as Paul chat bad tryed both ways, confe!feth, Tit. 3. 3. None fo unlike to be the fervant~ of Chrifi, as they that are clMt'hed in purple and fine linnen, and thllt; fare fumptuoufly or deliciouf1y every day, Luk. I 6. To live in ri~tintand dnmk.p~mfs,in chambering ~tnd Wamonmfs ,in ftrife ~tnd. envying, and to mak.._e pro7Jififm for the ftefh to fr:~lfil the lujl:s ~hereef] is the defcription of one that walk.J. not heneftly, .and ts far from a Chrifhahs life and hopes, f1om. I;. I h 14. It is thof~ .· voluptuous fenfual !inners-, rhat mofl obfiinately fhut out all re~ . proofs, and refufe fiim that fpeaketh to · them from heaven, and will not fo much as foberly confider of the things· that concern their everlafiing peace ; and therefore are oft fo forfaken of :; g~ace, that they grow to be faorner,.of the means of their fah· vation, and [being p11ft feeling de give them[el11es over tcJ lafcivi~ ·,, 1ujne[s, to work all. unclMnnefs with grredinefs] Eph. 4· 19• .. Whi<:h then is moll: defirahlc? the healiHg or the wounding plea– fures? thequick.!ning or-the ~il~ing mirth l the wholfome ·. or the poyfonous fweet? the delights that mend UJ ana further our fa!~ vation, or corrupting . pft.a{ures· that droW!h men in ptrdi-. ·:. diritm? . 9. The Delights of Holinefs ~tre kjn to Hettven : They are ,of the fame nature with thofe that· Saints ._ an4· .Angels have with God. (though we mun: acknowledge an .unconceivable diffe- ,· . r.ence) It is· the fame G~Jd, ~nd the -[~me -Glory that now de- ._ Jighteth 1:1s as feen by faith', which . fuall then delight 1:1s, when feen by in·tHit~·on with open face. _We-are folacing our felves in Lo'!le and Ptaif~, with the fame employment .tlut -we mufl: have m Heaven; And therefore if Hea11en be the flate . of G:reateft joy and ple4ure, the flare . of Grace, .ancl work of Holinefs, that is lik.,.eft to it, mufl: needs be next it. . Bttt {enfual pleafureJ are beafiial and fordid, aod fo far unlike ·· the Joys of Heaven, that nothing more wi.thdraws the mind, or · rna.keth it rromeedor Heaven. .,._ ' ,. ·Io: Lafl:ly, the delights :of Holine(s are::darable, even ev'erlaft ~ ;rJ.g. : The furrhel':we goe~ the _greater caufe.we haveof joy. It-is not amutablegood t'bat we rejo'yce in, .but" in the immutable ._ G~d, the ancient of days,. ~nd in that Chrifi that loveth:his fpoufe wnh. an ever.!afiing love; .and in the fur.e and faith,ful proiuifes; a.n~ mthe hopes of theKingdpm · that cannot be moved_ ~ The fpnng of our pleafures is.ihHeav'en ~ ap·d Q'l:tr rejoycing is but ' - .r-· .... -· -- - --· ~ - ----- .. ·- ·~· h . ·. !. ~