310 :Part I'T , . ~ the beginning of that which mull there be perpetuated. Death cannot kill the joys of a believer : rhe grave iha.JJ noc bury them: millions of ages ilia\l not end theml Here rhey may be: interrupted,-betaufe the pleafe.d .face of G?d may be ecdipfed, and fin and Satan may ca{l maltcwus doubt tnto·our minds • and the neig!1bourho.od of the ~dh will _force the ~ind to p;rti(:i• pate of 1ts fufferu1gs. But fi~ll God will keep the11" tomforcs ali:re ~ ar leafl in t~e root ; ~nd help them in the ad:, as we have need of them ana ~re fit for them: And in the world of Joy for which l1e is preparingu~, our Joy £hall be perfeded, and nerer have imerruptiO!J qr end. Holy,Eeihvals, and Ordinances, and fweet– efl: Communion of Saints, and d.earefl:Lov.e of truefi: friends and perfect health a_nd .profperity in the world, and all other ~om._ torts fet together, that ~his world affords, are but.fhort emblems and fmall fore-tafies of. the J oyes which ,the face of God will ~tfor<!'us, and we lhall have wit_h Chrifl:, hii Saints and Angels 1 re all erernir,y. . · : · - · - -~ ButJenfual Ple.r[twes.;are ~f fo fl;ort conttnuanc:t, that · th~y' are gone before we feel well that we have them. The dnmkard,'the glutton, the fornicuor·, the gamefl:er ~re drinking but a fugerfd cup of poyfon : and merrily fowing the feeds of everl<tlting for- ' row: Satan is bm fcratching them (as the hldc£her ihaves the throat of the fw ine.) before he kill rhem~ ·One quarter of an hour ends the pleafure and leaves.a damp of fadnefs in its room·: He that bath had 40. er 5o. years pleafures, hath no reliih of it \Vhen it is paH; but it is _-as if it had never been ::and much worfe.He that he1ih fpent a day, or monerh, ·Or y.ear in Pleafore bath no rn·ore at night, or at rhe years end, when it is gone, the~ he thac fpenc that time in (orrow. The bones and dufl: of rhou– fands lie now in the Church-y£rd, that hav~ tafied many a fweet cupand · m~rfel, and ha~e had many a merry wanton day : And are [hey now any bener for-it, then if rh~y had never known it ? And are not the poor and forrowful there their e.quals r .And doubtlefs their fouJs have as little of thofe pleafl:lres as their tlcifl:. In Heaven they are abhorred : In Hell tbe:y- are mrrled inr_(). tormenting flames, and remembred as fuel for · the devouring fire. ~ . ThereareG'/uttons, but no more good cheer: There are Drunk_ards, brit no moredrink: There are Fornic~tor J, b9t no f:!JOre luftful pleafures : There a~e the playful wafrers of their time, but no more fl!orl and recreation.· There are the vain·glori-: ..______ - ---- ----- --- --•- ~-~-------· .. --·- ----- ~--- . Olil9 . -~- 1 r .