Part II~ A SAint brA BrNtt~ ~2t ous, proud, ambit~ous ~o?ls, but not in gl~ry; honour and renown . but thetr af.pmng bath caft them uito Ehe gulf of mifery, a~d their pride hath cove:ed them with utter confuftoni . and their glory, is turned to thetr endlefs flume. Thofe that now overwhelmed with the wrath of God, and fuut up un– der defperation, are the fouls that /atel] wallowed here in the delights of the ~e/h, and enjoyed for a feafon the pleafures of fin; and now what fruit have they of all their former feeming happinefs? He that is feaRed and gallandy adorned and attended to day, is crying for a drop of water in vain to morrow, Luk_. I 6. 23, 24, 25, 26. Ch rifi tells you the gain of earthly riches, and theduration ofearthly pleafures, to the ungodly, Luk. 6. 24.2 5. [Woe to you thllt are rich, for you have -received your C{)nfolation : Woe t~ you that are f~tll, for JOU /JAIL hunger : woe tfJ you that laugh noW,foryoufoa!tmo~trn and weep.] that is, You that live a fen– fwallife, and take up your plcafure and felicity here, !hall find .that all will end in forrow. But [hleJTed ~tre ye that ·hunger ·,ow, forye foal/ be filled : Ur./[ed llre ye that weep now ; for ye foa!tlnugh, v.21. that is, You that are contented to pafs through forrows and tribulation on earth, to the Kingdom where you have placed your happinefs and hopes, !hall. find Ehat your forrows will end in joy ; and therefore you are ble!fed while you feemmiferable to the world, Joh. 16. 20. [re [hall weep ~tnd lament ; bnt the WDrld foall rejoyce_ : and ye jhPZ/1 be forrowful, but your forrow (halt be .turned into foy . J v. 22. [Now you h~tve [orreW : bm I Will fe~ pu rlgain, and your heart follll rejoyce, anl your jo; no man tak...eth from you J We have a confl:anc inrerefi in the Foutain of all J oy · ; and if our fun be clouded, it is but for a mom.;ont. [Our ma'kfr u our Husband: the Lordef ho/1J u hu nAme : and o~r Redmner the holy one rif Jfrad; the G~dof the whole e~trth : - For a fmalt moment may he forfak,.e us, but with great mercy 'Will hFgather us : Jn a little wrath ht may hide hu[Me from us for ;t rmment , but -with everl4fing k.jndnefs will he have m'rcy on us , f ait/, tbe Lord qur Redeemer. As he/Were thMtheWaters of Noa . fooutd no more gfJe fJVer the earth, fo hath he {worn he will not be -wrath with his people, nor rebuke them~ For the moumains jhdt depart, and the hills foall be removed ; b~tt hu kjndmfs /hall not tlcpart frrJm m, nor the covenant of his peace be renkved .faith the Lord, thflt hath mercy on .m ] 1frt. )4. S, tO I 9~ [Eo ~ his . r t . a;~ge~