Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. j2'6 · ASaint 1r aBrHte. , Part II. fcrvants of Chrifl do know fo much of the evilof fin that they c01.nnot make fo light of it~ as the blind and obdt1rate ;;.orld rhat are pafl: feeling. That fin which hath coil them formerly fo dear; and bath coH Chrift fo much dearer on their behalf mufl needs .caufe fome fm.~rt in the penitent foaL Sic~nefs is fe!'t becaufe it fuppofeth the fubject to be alive : bat thedead feel n~t that they aredead and rotten : And it doth not follow that therefore det'lth is more defire.Rble then fick__nefs. It is becaufe they are fo lik.fto the ungodly, that the fer-vants of Chrifl: do grieve and compiain. But fo tar as they feel the healchfulnefs of their fouls • and are .confcious of their fincerity and upright eonverfations, they have greater comfort then the world can afford them. . 4. You mufl: diil:inguifh befween thofe Chrifl:ians that by mif– 'apprebenfions are unacquair.Jted ~ith their own felhity, and ·thofe ' better underftand their ftate . If a man be never fo holy~and rk1tow it not, bm by temptations is brough~ to doubt, whether he be not yet in his unfanctif.ied Hate , no wonder if this man l:ie grie-ved with thefe fears. But his grief is nor becaufe he is {anfJi.– fied, but becaufe he is afraid le£1: he be ~tnfanEHfied. And this 1hews that Holinefs is moft lovely in his eyes: or elfe wlly fhould he be fo much troubled, when he dorh but doubt whether he be Holy or not? If a Rich motn by a falfe report fhoeld believe that he is rob'd of his goods and treafme, or that his houfes are b1.1rnr, when it is not fo , he will mourn or be troubled till he know the cruth. And will any be fo foolifh as to conclude from thence, th:u: Ri.che,sare more uncomfort<Jblc then beggery? Had you not rather be rich, though for a time you know it not, then to live in certain continual want ? If a man that is inhe,1lth, be perfwaded by miflake that he is in aConfamption, he will be treubled by his miflak_e: But will you thence con_clude that ficfe!Je/s is more com– fortabLe then health ? Is it not better to have health wirh thofe · miflakfn fears, then to live in fick..>'N{s ? Methi~ks you fhould rather argue·on the contrary fide, [How fwcet Is Heal rh, when the fear of lofing it is fo troublefom? a?d ho~ bitter is fickn~fs · and death, when the very fear ~f them ts fo gnev_o~s?] And fo you fhowld fay, [How fweet ts Holinefs, when tt 1s (o tr?uble– fome ro thofe d1at have it,fo much as eo fear left they have It not? and How miferable a life is it to be ungodly, when it is fo grievous · to the fervOints of Chriit; even once to fe{lr leD: .they are ungodly?] · · · · ~.