Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part II. L1 SA-int,; aBrnu, ~ jZ/' · But go to thof~Chrifl:ians that kpow themfelveJ, and are truly afqnainted with their fincerity and their privi~edge.r ·' and ~(!e whether they walk fo uneomfortably as thofe mi.ftak.fn douhwag; fouls; Yol!! will find them in another cafe, and he~r ·other kind of language from their mouths; even thejoyfril pra~fes of their Redeemer, and the thankful acknowledgements of hts ab~;mdant love. How fweet unto their fouls is the remembrance of kind– nefs ? and how delightful a work is it from clay to day to m<'~gni-_ fie his name ? 5. You mufi ~lfo diflingui£h between thofe weak mifiaken Chrifl:ians, that under.ftandnot the extent of the ofJ,race, and tho.fet:hat do underflandit. If a believer by miitake fhould think that the grace ohhe Gofpel extenderh not ro fuch ai he, becaufe he is unWorthy, and his fins are great, no wonder if he be troubled: As you would be if you fhould conceive that yotu~ Jeafe were not made toyeu, bl:lt to another : or as a malefador· would be if he thought his pardon belonged not to him, but to another man. . But hence you fbol:lld rather obferve the riches and excellencies of the Gofpel, and the happinefs of the heirs of promife, then dream that irs better ke {hangers to the lwly Covenant fiill.They a~e better that have a premife of life and un'7 derftand it not, then they th<n have mne•.But thof.e that know the · freenefs and fulnefs_ of the promife, and fiudy with all ~ainrs to comprehend what is the bredth, and length, and depth, and heighth, and to know the loveof Chrif1: which paffeth know– ledge, ( Eph. 3. I 8, I 9.) do ufe to walk more comfortably according to the riches of that grace wicfu they do pof- - fcfs. · 6. Confider alfo, that mofi of thefe complaining Cbrifiians are glad that they are in ~my mea[ure got out of their former ilate, and therefore apprehend their caufe robe better then it was 6efore : Or elfe they would mrn back to the Hate that they , were in; which they would not do for all the worJd. And there– fore t~hcy totke g godlylife_to beJar more pleafant to them that do attain it. ~ . 7· Moreover, the forrow of believers is fuch as may confi!l: wnh Joy. At the fame time whtlc they are grieved that they are no better, they are gladder of that meafure of grace which · they have received, then they would be to be made the rtJ.lers of the world. While th~y are ,moHrning for the remnant of their ·· . jips~ '