Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

'jtS A S~tlnt ~ra Brut-e~ ~ Part n.· fins, they are glad t~at it is but a remnant tH<at they have to mo~rn for .. Yea whtle rhey are tr~ub!ed beca11fe they doeb£ of the1r .Gncenty :and falvation, t'hcy are more fuf\:ained and corn– forced with th3.t little di{cerning which they have of their evi– de-nces, and with their hopes of the everlafiing love of God,, then they could byall your .Gnful pleafures. Try the moll de– jeEled mournful Chriftian, whether he would change ftates and cemforts with the bdl: and greatefl: of the ungodly. The foul of man is fo aB:ive and comprehenfive, that it can at once both re– joyce and motJrn. While they mourn for fin, and feel affiid:ion, believers can have fome rejoycing ·taHe of Everlafiing Life. · 8. Yea the godly farrow of abelitver is the mdtter of his joy. He is gladder when his he:1rtwill melt for fin, then he would be to be your partner in your carnal pleafures. He would not change the CQmf6rt that he findeth in his penitent tears for all your laughter. 9. The }Gy of a believer is intimate and folid,as I faid before~ according to the object of it, and not like the fleering of a fool, or the laughter of a child, or rhe fenfual mirth that Solomon called Mi$dnefJ. And therefore it is not fo difcernablc to others as carnal mirth is. And therefore you think that the fcrvants of Chrifi are -void of pleafure when they have much more then }fnt. It is little ridiculous accidents and toys that make men laug~ ; but greAt things give us an inward [W>eet content and joy, which fcorns oo fhew it felf by laughter. And what can be a fitter ob. ject of fuchgreat content, then to be a member of Chrifl, and an heir of heaven r' I o. Moreover, this forrow ofthe Godly is but •edicinlfl, and a preparative eo their after-{op: It doth but work out the poi– fon of fin, which would marrcheir comforts,and drive them to Chrifi, and fit them tovalue him, and tafi the fweetnefs of his love and grace. · l-.t .. And as it is not the ftate and life of a Chriftian, but his fafi~ng d.tys,, or time vf P_hyftc/z,.[o the comforts o.f the _godly ordmarilyaofarexceedthe1r forr()ws,at leafi m wetght, tf not in pafiionue'fenfe. They have their hours of fweec accefs to God, and of heavenly meditation, and delightful remembunce of the cxperiecces of his love, and perufal of his promifes, and communion with his people; and of the exercife of faith, and · · - - - l~ope, > ·